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"You did what?" Lisa was screaming from the phone.

It was half past six and I really had to get going, I was just so fucking scared. Scared of all what ifs. Now I was even scared of what people will think when I'll arrive with Elliot Lee by my side, when I usually couldn't care less.

"It was such a mistake. What was I even thinking? The boy's gay and I asked him to come to a party with me, even though, I'm not!" My body was already shaking from all the panicking.

"You're sure he's gay?" She asked.

"It was pretty obvious. God, I'm such a dick!" I cried in the phone.

"Maybe it is a good thing. Maybe this gay boy will help you understand." Lisa's voice was confident again, which always meant that she's telling the truth.

"Wait, what?" My breathing was lost again.

"And if not, you guys can be just friends. It's not a big deal. Stop stressing and let's go to have fun!" Lisa exclaimed and hung up.

Okay, as always, she was right. Maybe he's not even gay. I'm not, but I still think that he's gorgeous, so maybe it's somehow the same. Yes, it's definitely the same!

No one's gay here.

I kept saying that to myself while I said goodbye to mom and got in my car.

Why was I even stressing? He's Elliot, the nerd boy, he's the one who should be stressed as fuck.

Once I pulled up to his house, the boy was already rushing out of the door. Suddenly he stopped his running, groaned and walked back.

No doubt, he has an interesting life.

He came back only like five minutes later.

"Sorry about that. My family is crazy." He said, once he jumped inside of my jeep. His adorable curly hair finally weren't falling into his eyes, and to be honest, I couldn't decide how I liked it better, his big eyes were shining and he was wearing black, skinny and ripped jeans and a simple white shirt, yet he looked hot and cute at the same time. 

I understood that I've been staring for too long because his cheeks were starting to get red, so I looked away.

"You look good." I said again without thinking. Before I could even start to think about all the consequences, Elliot was already gasping for air and sounding like he's dying.

"Not so bad yourself." When his breathing was back to somewhere steady, he said and we both exchanged laughs.

He even has a little dimple!

"We'll have to pick up Lisa." I informed him and his face lighted up with panic.

"Me coming wasn't a good idea." He scratched the back of his head and looked away.

"No no, she's a supporter." I chuckled about the fact how he looked even cuter when he was nervous and how he'll love Lise by the end of this night.

"Wait, what?" He clearly was confused.

"You'll see, nerd boy." I winked at him and started the engine.

"Should I be worried?" He asked with a little smile on his face.

"Not at all." I looked at him and our eyes met for a moment.

"So when do you have to be back home?" I cleared my throat and ended the not even intense moment, which still made my skin shiver.

"Oh, I don't." He laughed.

"My mom would never let me go to a high school party so I said that I'm staying at a friend's house tonight." He sat more comfortably in his seat.

"Do you even have any friends?" I asked. Again, without thinking. I really didn't wanted to sound like a dick, so I hoped that he didn't find it offensive.

"No, not really. I said it's a new one." He shrugged his shoulders.

Pheww, he's so precious..

"You liar!" I gasped and that made us both laugh again.

"So what music you listen to?" I asked with interest.

"Oh, I like depressing music. Something like Blackbear and Frank Ocean." He said with a dreamy smile.

This boy just keeps getting better and better.

Then I took my phone, which was already connected to the car, and opened spotify. I searched for I Needed You by blackbear and pressed the play button.

Elliot's eyes automatically lighted with pure happiness, so I couldn't help but chuckle.
We spent the next two minutes by just enjoying the soft music and then we finally saw Lisa, standing next to her house and actively waving at us.

She jumped in the backseat, looking gorgeous, as always.

"Hi, cute nerd guy." She said without even giving me a look. Ahem, who's your best friend here?

"Nice to meet you, Lisa." Elliot's face was still dreamy.

"So Elliot, tell me, do you have a girlfriend?" She asked and I stopped my breathing, while giving her the death stares. She'll just make it all worse.

"Um.." he slightly chuckled.

"I don't do girls." He simply said and shrugged his shoulders.

So Elliot Lee really is gay.

I took some deep breaths because for some reason, my body was tensed up from hearing it. Okay, I was kind of certain about his sexuality but hearing it from himself was a whole different thing, and it scared the shit out of me.

"Oh, I love gays!" Lisa screamed.

"Yea, me too." Elliot said and they both started to laugh.

How can he be so confident about who he really is, about his sexuality? I wish I could do the same..

"We're here!" I exclaimed and immediately jumped out of the car, without looking back at them.

- - -

hi! school's killing me so i won't be able to update that often. sorry, love you.

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