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I couldn't believe that I took Elliot to ice skate when he doesn't even know how to.

But I don't think I have ever laughed as much as I laughed with him on the ice.

This was probably one of my favorite days ever.

When we finally got back into my car it was almost midnight. Elliot was puffing and huffing in his seat next to me.

"I think this was enough exercise to get me through lifetime." He sighed.

"I could do this every day." I smiled and I meant it.

Catching Elliot, having my hands all over his body, him falling on top of me. I'd take it at any time.

"Um, would it be okay if I stay tonight at your place?" I asked and held my breath, Elliot started to move in his seat.

My father had come home for a few days to visit. The first night he and my mom usually spend arguing and yelling before calming down for us.

"The kids need a father in their lives!"

"And who will put the food on this table?"

Something along the lines.

"Damian, I don't think that it would be a good idea." His tone had completely changed and he wasn't looking at me.

"You're probably right." I shrugged and started the engine.

"It's not that I don't want to do things with you. It's just.."

"Elliot, don't worry, really. It's late anyway and your parents would probably have a lot of questions seeing me at midnight." I tried to assure him as best as possible.

I wasn't really in the mood to start putting all my baggage of my daddy issues onto him right now either way.

"Are you mad? Be honest?" I could see him moving so that he would face me.

"Of course not. I'm happy." I gave him a quick look.

"Today was probably one of the best days of my life." He whispered and slowly leaned his arm towards me, then placing it on my leg, drawing circles with his finger.

"Is this friends allowed?" He chuckled.

"I'd say we're still pretty safe, yes." I smiled.

I couldn't stop smiling. He just had this face. It was like the sun poking out of your curtains in the early morning.

Once I pulled up in his driveway, he turned the music a little bit louder and laid more into his seat, closing his eyes. So I did the same.

"It was the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me." He said with his eyes still closed. I peeked with my one eye open before closing it again.

"Taking you to ice hate when you hate it?" I tried to suppress my laughter.

"Mhm." He hummed.

"Have you ever been in a relationship?" He surprised me with his question.

"Yes, I have."

"Have you ever kissed?"

"No, never!"

"Damian, be serious!" He jokingly punched my arm before getting back into his seat.

He looked so relaxed.

"Yes, Elliot. I have kissed before."

"Are you afraid I am a shitty kisser?" I smiled.

"I wouldn't believe it even if that would be true." He sighed.

"Um, but have you ever kissed a boy?" He pushed out air as if he would have been holding it in.


He raised his eyebrows at me.

"But you seem somewhat confident with me. Not that we have done anything, but just with touching and everything." He sounded genuinely confused.

"Well that's because you are very handsome." I gave him a teasing smile.

"I never actually thought of boys, any boys like this before." I continued.

"I just always say you watching me in the hallways at school and now I am just here. With you."

"I made it pretty obvious, huh?" He lightly chuckled.

"Have you had sex?" He whispered.

Does he want to make me to get him mad or what is happening right now?

"Yes, a few times."

Elliot gulped.

"So you think you might be bisexual?" He turned his head at me.

"I didn't enjoy the sex that much." I shook my head in disapproval.

"Why not?" He was resting his head on his palm.

"How much details?"

"I just want to get to know you, don't worry." He smiled and since he didn't look mad at me already, I continued talking.

"Well, the action itself was okay, it just never really was.."


"No, it wasn't passionate. It wasn't like I would be crazy about them. It definitely didn't feel like anything special." I gave him a small smile.

Elliot seemed like he was thinking.

"Google says I'm 100% gay, but my mind is not fully there yet." I quietly said and he gave me a warm smile.

"I'm sorry if I have made things very difficult for you." He whispered and lifted up his hand.

I reached out and touched his fingers with mine. We interlocked our fingers up in the air, both of us looking at our hands.

"No, you should be sorry that you didn't come into my life sooner." I whispered back.

A moment of silence passed of us twirling our fingers around each others.

"Okay, your turn!" I looked at him with a mischievous smile.

He checked the time.

"It's getting really late, I should be heading in."

That felt like a kick to my balls.

"That's fine." I pushed out a smile.

Elliot looked around a few times then checked his pockets in case he had forgotten something in my car.

"One more thing!" He lifted his finger up in the air. I turned my head to him.

"Happy one month of talking anniversary!" His eyes were bright and sparkling, a big smile on his face.

I frowned.

"What? How can it be one month already..?" I started to say, but before I could notice, he had already leaned in close to me, placing a soft kiss on my cheek, painfully near the corner of my mouth.

And before I could process it and say something, he was already out of my car.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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