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"Hey, asshole." I stood in front of him.

His whole body froze when he heard my voice.

"Look, sorry about that day when I just bailed on you and left without saying anything, this thing just came up and I had to really go home because.." he started to say in a high pitch voice and it made me chuckle.

"Chill! I was just kidding." I stopped him, while smiling.

"So you're not mad?" he asked, finally lifting his eyes up to look me in the face.

"No, i'm not. But you're still an asshole." I playfully hit his arm, and he finally gave me a little smile. Oh, how I missed that smile.

"Well, um, maybe I can take you to a movie or a pizza place this Friday to make up for it?" he scratched the back of his head and bit his lower lip.

That lip biting from him needs to stop..

Is he? Did he just? Did he really just asked me out on a date?

"This is not a date or anything, please don't get me wrong. We are friends, right?" suddenly, as if he could read my mind, he started to defend himself.

"Shut up please, I wanna go on a date with you." I said.

Did I actually just say that?

I could hear our teacher coming.

"We'll talk later!" Elliot exclaimed and rushed inside of the class without ever looking back.

I sighed. I was afraid that I just scared him off with this. Why the hell I had to say it? Of course we are friends, and of course we can hang out only as friends.

I walked into the classroom and sat down.

"I'm afraid I overdid myself and today's test is too difficult for you guys, so you may get yourself a partner, but it's optional of course. You can work alone as well." the teacher stood in front of us with his hands full of paper, waiting for us to pair.

I didn't have to think twice before I was already up and walking to Elliot's. I could feel Lisa giving me death stares since she most probably will die without me.

"I thought you're good at math." Elliot giggled and looked up at me.

"You're so cute." I whispered but from his reaction, he heard it.

"People are looking at us." he stopped smiling, and I looked around to find at least ten pairs of eyes staring at us.

"They just wish they could be you. Oh, what a lucky man you are, Elliot Lee." I said with a grin on my face.

Seriously, fuck what they think! What matters is that Elliot is next to me and he's smiling and being all shy and adorable.

I sat next to him and the teacher gave us the test paper.

"How about we think of a tactic to calculate this all, so that we can finish our talk that we had earlier?" I ask and I love to see how nervous my words make him feel. Elliot just nods.

"I'm gonna do the first half and you do the other, okay?" he then says and I can't help it but adore him.

Seriously, why does gender have to matter? I've never met a girl who would make me ever feel like Elliot does before, but this is wrong because he's a guy. Bitch, do you think that I'm not trying to not like him? But it's not a choice! I can't just turn it off or cure it.

"You're done daydreaming?" Elliot poked my cheek and I automatically put my hand on it where he had just touched me.

"Sorry, I.." he started to laugh and couldn't look at me.

"Young men over there!" the teacher yelled at us and that actually made us shut up. At first it was hard to concentrate when next to me was sitting him, but I got my part done even faster than him.

"So do you wanna go out with me on Friday?" seemed like it took him all of his guts to ask me.

"I'd love that." I smiled and he smiled back at me. Without thinking, I found his hand and interlocked our fingers. Holding his hand was nice, it made me feel safe.

"Okay, that'll be it today class. Please give in the tests and see you tomorrow." Mr. Smith of course had to ruin our almost moment.

Elliot immediately got up and started to put his things into his backpack. This was our last lesson for today, so I decided to give him a ride home.

"Mind if I drive you home?" I asked once we were out of the class.

"No, not at all."

"So then a movie and pizza on Friday?"

"Sounds like a plan." he lightly chuckled and I'd give everything to hear that for the rest of my life.

"Damian!" suddenly I heard someone yelling my name from behind, and that's when we both realized how close we were walking next to each other. Our bodies were almost touching.

I turned over and saw how Isaac is walking to me with a few other guys from the team.

"Wait me at my car?" I asked Elliot and he nodded.

"Are you a faggot or something?" Isaac pushed me and they all started go laugh.

"What?" I nervously laughed with them and started to look around because I was pretty much screwed now.

"Then how else can you explain hanging out with a weird ass kid like him?" Isaac kept pushing me, so I grabbed his arms. He looked surprised.

"That faggot was crushing on me on sixth grade. He even asked me to go chill with him at his place. I wanna vomit whenever I think of it now. That kid's disgusting and you are too for even talking with him." Zach stepped in, pushed Isaac away from me, so that we won't start to fight each other and said.

"Dude, do you seriously think I'd have something in common with a gay guy like him?" words flew out of me. I fucking panicked.

"I've been recently out with girls almost every night, so I needed a little help from him since he's the best at math. Also look at him crushing on me! That idiot! I got him good." I said and they all started to laugh and pat my shoulders like I just saved the America.

Now I was disgusted by myself. In fact, I hated myself.

"Yea, look at him now crying over there!" some other guy exclaimed and they all started to point on someone and laugh even more.

No, no, no! God, please no!

I turned around and I felt such pain that I've never felt before. Elliot was standing by the lockers, struggling to keep his balance, his eyes were full with tears. He looked betrayed, hurt, he looked like he hated me.

"You can shove that pizza up your fucking ass!" he yelled at me, then turned around and started to run.

- - -

hey, someone's still there with me? :)

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