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"Wait, wait, I can't go home like this!" Elliot swung his hands in the air and desperately cried out.

"My mom would fucking cut my balls off." he meant it serious but I couldn't help but laugh.

"What the fuck? I never talk like this!" he sat back down and took his head in his hands.

"It's the alcohol E!" I smiled at him and sat next to him.

"E? What's that?" he lifted his eyebrows at me.

"Your new nickname." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Pff, lame!" he laughed.

"How do you wanna be called then? Babe?" I looked in his eyes and he cleared his throat.

"Baby.." he whispered.


"Baby is so much better than babe." he shyly smiled and I had to deeply inhale and exhale. I agreed to that completely, though.

"We have all the time in the world. Let's not rush into things." I leant closer to him and whispered. His eyes widened.

"So you consider maybe not being straight?" he looked completely amazed.

"Shh. What about not rushing?" I chuckled.

"Okay, okay." he put his hands up as in defense.

"You won't remember any of this tomorrow anyways."

"Oh, believe me, I will."

"So where are you taking me?" when we were finally in my car and on the road, Elliot asked.

"You could've just left me at the party or something. And then I could take a bus home when I would get somewhat sober. Actually I feel much better now, so I can take the bus now." he continued when I wasn't answering.

"You really think that I could just leave you at some stupid party when you could possibly fucking die there, because I am pretty sure this was the first time you ever tasted alcohol. And even if you feel okay now, you won't after a bit. So no, there's no way I am letting you go somewhere alone. Do you understand me?" I said and I meant every word. I am not letting him out of my sight again tonight.

"Wooh, someone's protective." Elliot chuckled and bit his lip. I tried to ignore how sexy it looked whenever he did that.

"I just almost lost my mind when that girl took you to the bar. She could've raped you or something." I looked at him.

"No no, she was actually kind of nice. We just kissed." he shrugged his shoulders. I felt how my face drops.

Wait, what?

"What did you just say?"

"We kissed and actually, I wanted to see how would it be to kiss a girl." he said without looking back at me.

"So what? You enjoyed it? Then maybe you could've just fucked her as well." I felt how anger is bursting inside of me. Why am I even reacting like this when I have no right to be upset with him?

"Damian." he suddenly whispered and put his hand on my leg, lightly squeezing it.

"I was kidding! I don't care about kissing girls or any other boy if it's not you." he quietly said and I exhaled. His words made my cheeks to burn.

"I will kill you." I looked at him with my death stare and wiped his hand off of me. He's just drunk.

"I am sorry. I had no idea that you would react like this." he looked away but I could hear in his voice how actually sorry he was.

Without noticing, we were already almost at my house. I pulled in our driveway and turned off the car.

"Hey, you silly, I am not mad." I leant forward to him and took his chin in my hand to turn him back at me. Then I slowly touched his cheek and my hand slipped down to his soft lips. Elliot gasped and closed his eyes.

"Ahem. We should go inside." I said and Elliot groaned but nodded.

I got out of the car first and went to his side, but since he wasn't getting out, I opened the door for him.

"You're gonna stay here all night?" I laughed.

"Uh, I couldn't open the fucking door." he cursed and my eyes widened.

"How can you be so drunk but not even that drunk at the same time?" I asked more to myself, while he was trying to finally get out.

"Come here!" I leant my hand and he took it immediately, interlocking our fingers together.

"Oh." I gasped, realizing how good that felt.

Elliot was finally standing, so I went to close the car's door.

"Shit. I'm so dizzy." I heard him saying from behind, and when I was turning around, he was already falling.

"Got ya." I grabbed his tiny waist and whispered.

"I'm already hard.." he groaned and an evil smile appeared on my lips. Our bodies were the closest they've ever been, my hands were around his waist, our foreheads were pressed against each other and we both were looking into each other's eyes. This was actually kind of a beautiful and really intimate moment, and if I'm completely honest, I wanted to kiss this boy now more than anything else. I wanted to feel his soft lips and then crush my tongue in his mouth to make him moan.

"Who's there?" suddenly we got interrupted by a loud voice from behind. My mom! Fucking great!

"Fuck!" I whispered, "She was supposed to be sleeping."

"Whelp, I guess this is where she gets to know that her little baby boy is actually gay as fuck and thinks about dicks all the time." Elliot laughed.

"Ain't gonna happen." I stated.

My mom is really supportive and loving but I am pretty sure that she would beat my ass if I would tell her something like that. And my dad.. Well he's almost never home but when he is, he just keeps telling us how much everything sucks.

"What the hell you're doing with that boy in the middle of night?" she exclaimed and I gulped.

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so i have a question. should i already let them enjoy themselves haha or should i wait for a lil bit. so basically, everything's happening too fast or no? :)

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