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There he was. In all of his cute glory, calmly walking through the cafeteria while looking down to his black converse.

Elliot Lee, the boring nerd boy.

We haven't done much talking even though we've been studying at the same class since sixth grade. But, I mean, it was obvious. What's there to talk with some weird ass creep who reads in his free time? But I still can't deny that he's fricking cute. His a little bit curly hair, big blue eyes, goofy smile and those pink, plumped lips were driving me crazy every time when I looked at him. And no, I'm not even gay. At least, I think that I'm not. I mean, I can't be.

It's not that I haven't thought about it, in fact, I was doing it right now, it's just that it felt so impossible.

Not gonna lie, I've dated girls before but I've never been in love. I've tried, though. Holding hands feels normal but when it comes to the kissing part, I feel nothing and then right after, there's guilt, like I'm doing something undeniably wrong.

But then again, when I think about doing the same with a boy, it still feels weird but surprisingly like a little bit better weird. Okay, when I start to think about doing such things with Elliot, my body reacts immediately and I start to feel these weird feelings that I've never felt before.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not some loser who has wet dreams about the nerd boy. Two weeks ago, I didn't even know that he exists. Fine, I knew but I just didn't care. But then I caught myself staring at him and wondering, since when did he got so hot?

So yes, it has been about two weeks since I'm crushing over Elliot Lee, while I'm not gay.

It's not about what others would think about me, because I don't fucking care about them, the thought about actually being gay just scares the shit out of me, so I try to push it away as far as possible.

"Dude, you still with us?" Isaac poked my arm, while giving me a confused look.

Oops, I think I zoned out for too long.

"Yeah, was just thinking bout the upcoming test." I scratched my neck and mentally slapped the life out of myself. What a terrible liar I am.

"Come on, man. Don't have to lie to me, I know you're thinking about all the hot girls in tonight's party." Isaac gave me a dirty smile and I just nodded.

Did I forget to mention that today's Friday and also the basketball's season opening party?

"How come you still have no chick to fuck?" He laughed and I seriously wanted to punch him in the face.

"I don't want a relationship." Instead of beating him, I just shrugged my shoulders.

"But that doesn't mean that you can't fuck some girls for fun." He winked at me as I just stared at him. Who even does that?

"You're so sick!" I stated and got up from our table.

Isaac is the basketball's captain, so I can't really just send him to go fuck himself, even though, he deserves that and more.

I still had some good ten minutes until the next lesson, so I decided to pay a visit to my actual friends.

First I saw Noah, my best friend. He left the basketball team two years ago, which is probably the wisest choice possible. Next to him was sitting his girlfriend, Natalie and my other best friend- Lisa. She was a literal goddess. Always there with bomb advice, sassy jokes, bitch attitude when needed but the sweetest personality.

"Yo, D!" Lisa screamed once she saw me. The thing is, she's always this excited when we see each other. I guess, she just loves me this much.

"Hi, princess." I gave her a big smile and sat down.

"How's it going?" Noah joined our little conversation, while me and Natalie exchanged little smiles. I liked the girl. She took a good care of my best mate, so that was all that mattered.

"Party tonight, ya know." I answered and Noah gave me a concerned look.

"You don't have a date, right? That's why you're actually stressing your ass off." Lisa screamed again, and well, she was absolutely right.

"Yep." I chuckled.

"How bout you take me as your date?" She suggested with a smile on her face. Lisa was really beautiful.

"Me and Natalie can come as well, so you won't be alone." Noah laughed and I smiled.

"Sounds good."

"How about you also take that cute guy Elliot who's been staring at you this whole lunch break?" Suddenly Lisa said and it felt like my heart dropped.

She knows?!

"How you?.." I whispered.

"Just look over there." She said and lightly shook her head to the right direction. Slowly, I followed her head and there he really was. Standing besides the wall, his hair all messed up, blue eyes focused on me with a dreamy look and lips a little bit ajar.

What the heck?

Once he saw that I was looking back, his cheeks automatically turned red and he looked away, while chaotically throwing his things in his backpack.

"Holy shit!" I whispered again. Elliot Lee was actually staring at me. Could it be that he's not even straight?

If he's gay, I'm pretty much screwed..

- - -

are you ready?

the boy in the pic is how i imagine Damian :)

every human being who reads my stories are the fricking best best and well, yep, we're automatically besties, haha!

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