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"Mom, chill. He's my biology partner." I went closer to her. She was in her pajamas. So she was sleeping then.

"And what is your biology partner doing here so late?" she asked and yawned. Still sleepy, so this might actually work.

"Oh, his parents are out of town, we talked about our project, hanged a little and then I suggested for him to come to my place to watch a movie. Since it's so late, he'll probably stay the night." even I was surprised about my lying skills.

"Oh, excuse me please. I just got really scared that someone's trying to break into the house. I'm dumb, yes. I'll go back to sleep. We'll get to know each other tomorrow morning, biology partner." she chuckled nervously, obviously feeling embarrassed.

Suddenly I felt Elliot's hand grabbing my butt. I gasped.

"Stop!" I hissed.

"Oh, but you like it." since I was covering most of his body, he leant closer and whispered into my ear. I could feel his hot breath on my neck.

"Goodnight, boys." my mom added before getting back inside.

"Night." was all I could get out. I never even imagined that Elliot could ever be like this. Fuck, I loved it!

"Let's get you inside, partner." I chuckled.

Walking up to the stairs wasn't even that bad. Seemed like Elliot was getting more sober by every minute. His horny attitude wasn't going away though.

Once we were in my not so big, almost all black room, Elliot without hesitating walked to my bed and sat down.

"This whole black vibe kind of makes me feel safe and really comfortable." after a while of checking my room, he finally said. I was still standing by the doorway.

"Also it smells like you in here." he smiled.

"So you're saying that I stink?" I laughed.

"I am saying that you're the most gorgeous boy I've ever seen in every possible way." he said and I had to rely on the wall.

"Even that one little freckle on your left cheek is the most beautiful thing." he softly smiled again.

This boy knows me for like two days but he has noticed things that no one else ever has. He makes me feel so god damn special.

"That was sweet." I smiled back at him and I got a lip bite from him as a return.

"I know right." He winked and I rolled my eyes.

"But you're a pain in the ass. Why the fuck did you grab my ass and made me hard while my mom was watching? Who even does that? Also please do not forget that I am possibly still a straight boy. I just sometimes can't resist your presence." I crossed my arms.

But to be honest, I am pretty sure that after this night I won't ever be able to even hold hands with a girl, without thinking about how much better would it be to do it with Elliot.

"Aw, I made you hard just by grabbing your ass." he teased.

"I guess it's only fair, though. I made you hard for at least three times tonight." I teased back.

"Actually, you are probably not wrong." Elliot started to laugh and I shook my head, couldn't help but laugh too.

"I'll get you some water." I said and went to my bathroom.

"But don't start to feel so good about yourself." he stated behind me and I could hear how he's smiling.

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hei! :) this is a bit short coz school's a total bitch and is killing me, heh.

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