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I couldn't wait for Friday!

It's like you can't wait for Christmas, or first snow, or your birthday present, or shower after a long day, or your favorite ice cream!

That's how much I couldn't wait for Friday.

At school I craved his attention. Anything! Everything! All the time! I started to get worried that my actions will annoy him or worse, that the rest of my team will notice something.

"As long as you say no homo, dude!" Noah high fived me when I sat down at our lunch table with Elliot by my side.

"Big game tomorrow, am I right?" Natalie smiled at me, offering me her fries. How did she know?

My friends know me better than I know myself!

"With me cheering for him, he'll do just fine!" Lisa winked at me and I happily nodded with my fries.

"Hey, gimme some too!" Elliot poked my side and leaned over me to take the fries out of my hand.

He started to eat and I took his other hand in mine, while we all started to talk about which frozen pizza company is the best.

After lunch I was listening to Ms. Keller telling us about the World War 2, but all I could actually think about was all the things I'd do to Elliot tomorrow.

The ball will probably fall out of my hands in the game, knowing that Elliot will be there in the hall, watching every movement I make.

I was so stressed that my skin started to tingle.

Me and Lisa had the same last period, history, so we left to classroom together after the bell.

Elliot was probably already riding his bike home to do homework, so that he can spend the afternoon with his family and Natalie begged Noah to come with her to see her old friends from middle school, so that left just the two of us.

"You have practice, right?" Lisa pouted, while getting her bag out of the locker.

"Yes, sir!" I exclaimed and clapped my hands.

"I'm kind of scared that we'll lose tomorrow, actually." I said.

"No, you're not." she closed her locker, sighed and turned around to me.

"No, I'm not. I'm scared shitless about Elliot being there."

"And we have a date afterwards."

"And I can't mess it up!" I whispered.

"Actually, we agreed to be just friends for now. I don't know what the fuck's wrong with me."

Lisa started to smile.

"That is my boy!" she jumped on me and wrapped her legs around me.

"Easy, woman!" I laughed and pushed her off of me.

"Let me know if you want to go get some burgers or something and talk after practice." she winked at me and started to walk away.

"Hey, buddy, are you even here with us?" Isaac threw a ball to me, and I stumbled back a little not being ready for it.

"Yea, what's going on? You've ditched like every single party for like two weeks straight!" Zach joined Isaac, and they both started to laugh.

And what would happen if I'd tell him that I'm not straight at all? I laughed to myself.

"Family drama, I guess." I shrugged my shoulders and started to dribble away from them to my shooting guard position, because couch was already getting mad at us and kept yelling something about us wasting his time.

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