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"It's just so confusing." I said to my phone when I was in my car, driving home and talking to Lisa.

"Did you see that dreamy look on his face? And did you even notice how fucking beautiful he is now? Are you sure you still want to be straight? The boy's obviously crushing on you!" Lisa said with a voice full of excitement. I was pretty sure she was also bouncing around at the moment.

If only they knew..

"Stop! He's just some nerd, checking us, the populars, probably seeking for attention." I said in order to use it as my defense. I didn't like the turn of this talk at all. My nerves were so tensed up already.

"I have English with him. He's actually super smart and wise, so I really doubt that." Lisa confidently said and I shook my head.

"Well, then maybe he really has a crush on me. So what?" I tried to sound as careless as possible, when it actually was all I could think about.

Elliot Lee has a crush on me.

I might have a crush on him!

"Damian?" Suddenly her voice was serious and I almost choked with my own saliva.


"Are you sure you're not gay?"

No, I'm no near being sure, I'm fucking confused.

But then I did probably the stupidest thing in my whole life.

"Shut up!" I groaned in the phone and hung up, leaving her being confused of my reaction. Now it was just a matter of time until she'll understand.

But I'm pretty sure, she'd be the first person I would want to know, it's just that, I don't even know what or how I feel myself.

"Sweetie, is that you?" Mom shouted from the kitchen, once I stepped inside of the house.

"Yea, mum. What's up?" I entered the kitchen where I found my mom half-sitting, half-sleeping on the kitchen table, with her sewing machine on the ground and with sketches and clothe pieces around everywhere.

"What happened to the no kitchen zone?" I chuckled, and my mom gave me a tired but lovely smile.

"I just had to finish this one dress for a little girl before I get to the wedding dress." She sighed and put her head on the table. That's when I saw a neon pink and fluffy dress.

"Oh, are you sure that you're not working too much?" I asked and I was kind of worried. Mom was almost always working, but she always tried to also spend some time with me and dad.

"After this next dress, I'm taking a little break." She nodded her head like in an agreement.

"What's that you wanted?" I asked, while opening the refrigerator to get some apple juice.

"Oh, right! Could you please get this dress to it's little owner before the party? It's not far away, just a few blocks down the street." She asked.

"Of course!" I answered and went to hug her.

"I love you, my sweet sweet boy." She whispered and I smiled.

"Ew mom, gross!" We both laughed.


I knocked for the second time. Everything was still quiet inside of the house. Then I heard a little girl's shouting and right after that, some boy's voice.

"Coming!" He was also shouting and something was falling or maybe he was tripping over something. I lightly chuckled.

"Oh, shit, I'm sorry." The boy opened the door and we both couldn't believe to what we were seeing. It felt like my breath got lost somewhere deep down in my throat.

Elliot was in gray nike sweatpants and white shirt, while his hair was wet probably from the shower, and his cheeks were flushed red by now. I need to see these clothes on him more often.

God damn it! The boy's hot!

"Um, hi!?" He asked and nervously chuckled, while trying not to look me in the eyes.

"Hi." I said to him and smiled a little bit.

"Aren't these like our first words?" Suddenly he looked back at me and I started to laugh.

"I guess, it is, nerd boy." I teased him.

"So I have a dress for you." I continued the teasing with a grin on my lips. Elliot gave me a disappointed look.

"Yeah, not funny. Michelle?" He shouted once again, and then I heard little steps running from upstairs. After a few seconds, I also saw the runner. It was a little girl, about five years old, with pigtails, wide smile and wearing all pink. She was so cute that I just had to give her a smile.

What's up with this family? They all just melt my heart..

"So I guess, this is for you?" I asked and handed her the dress bag.

"Yes!" She screamed and jumped a little. I looked to Elliot who was now inside of the house, with his face palmed to the wall.

"Brother?" Little Michelle poked Elliot's leg.

"That delivery guy is really pretty." She winked at both of us and then ran back upstairs.

"Hey, I'm not a delivery guy!" I was laughing.

"She's not wrong about the pretty part, though." Elliot groaned and I automatically stopped laughing.

Did he really just? Fuck, he's totally gay..

"Hey, do you want to come to a party with me?" I asked before I could even think.

"What?" He finally looked at me. Shock was all over his cute face.

"So?" I asked once more, starting to feel a little bit embarrassed. What was I even thinking?

"Um, I've never been to that kind of party, but sure, why not?" He smiled and I had to look away, if not, I might could've gotten a boner.

"Pick you up by seven?"

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