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"So tell me El, what about that Friday? Should we try again? As friends?" I asked, while sipping from the coke can.

"I have to babysit Michy after school, but I could be free starting from eight." he gave me a thrilling smile and I could risk it all for that smile of his.


"My sister who loves dresses?"

"Yea, about that. This dress might be a pretty bad one. You know, I was kind of in a rush!" I chuckled while scratching the back of my head.

"You're kind of an asshole, dude! That's what you are." he said and threw a pillow at me.

I caught it before it could hit me.

"I have a game on Friday. It starts at eight." I threw it back gently and winked at him. His reflexes were so bad that it hit him right into his head. I had to laugh.

"There's a party afterwards, right?" he asked, while trying to make his hair look normal again.

"As always, El, as always." I sighed and fell back into the couch.

"You want to go to that that party after the game?"

"No." I said.

"Why not?"

"Because seeing you drunk makes me scared. And very much angry. And you act weird. And you get a boner. Multiple times."

"At least I'm not that big of a pussy then." he sighed and looked away from me.

This boy's deeper than we all thought.

"What are your skeletons in the closet?"

"What?" he looked back at me through his fingers. "Who even says that, grandpa?" he tried to laugh it off.

"Show them to me, I dare you!"

"There's so much you don't know about me, Damian." he whispered and I kind of started to worry.

"Well, I hope that one day you'll be able to tell it all to me." I whispered back at him and he gave me a soft smile. A smile that said 'I appreciate it.'

The air suddenly had become heavy on us.

"So Elliot Lee is coming to a basketball game?" I exclaimed, fake gasping for air.

"I hate sports!" he groaned and threw the pillow again.

This time, before stopping myself, my natural instincts were faster and I immediately threw it back at him right after catching it. When it landed on Elliot's head, he got pushed into the couch.

"What the fuck, man?" he yelled, rubbing his head.

A baby.

"I am so sorry!" I jumped up on my feet and went to him laughing.

"Get out of my house!" he exclaimed, starting to laugh as well.

While stepping one step closer, I accidentally tripped over the pillow, which was now laying on the ground and ended up on top of Elliot. My whole upper body was now onto him, while he was pressed down under me on the couch.

"You're really trying to kill me, aren't you!" he chuckled and tried to move away from me.

"I am stronger than you." I teased him, not planning on moving away from him any time soon. He smelt like vanilla and fresh clothes and I could feel his hot breath on my neck.

Hearing my words, his eyes widened under me and his face got covered in panic.

"Hey, are you alright?" I jumped right back away from him, thinking I was really too heavy for him.

I was now on my knees, him laying between them with his legs over mine.

This was close! This was like our bodies basically pressed to each other. This was kind of gay.

He covered his face with his palms and I slowly leaned in to take them away. I interlocked our fingers and put our hands right above his head.

I was worried about his reaction, but I was also so turned on. With every breath of his, it felt like this, us, just start to get more and more intimate.

I've never felt anything like this before.

"I am sorry, Damian." he whispered and turned his head away from me.

"I am scared from being close to someone. Physically close. Sexually close."

"Hey, you! There's nothing to be sorry about." with one hand I took his chin and made him look back at me, the other still stayed interlocked with his.

"I am not asking anything from you. I never will. Friends aren't supposed to do this anyway." I smiled at him and he smiled back. Our faces were only a few inches away from each other.

Then I let him go and got up.

Probably surprising us both, Elliot grabbed my arm, so that I'd be right back onto him. This time my face hit his right cheek. He choked on air.

"You smell good." I whispered into his ear, slightly biting on his earlobe.

Then right under my leg I felt a slight bulge coming from his pants and I smirked.

"Hey, can you?" he started to say, his voice completely different now.

I looked at him. His eyes had darkened and he was biting on his lip.

He wanted me just as much as I wanted him.

"Kiss me." he let out, closing his eyes.

I had to deeply breath in twice, before actually believing what he had just said.

Maybe friends do kiss sometimes.

I placed my fingers on his face, moving them from his cheek to his lower lip, opening his mouth a little. His eyes were still closed, now a little squeezed.

I leaned down, placing my lips on his cheek softly.

I was almost ready to feel disgust or fear, or panic and jump away from him but it was nothing like it.

All I felt was a tight feeling all over my dick and a lost breath in my mouth.

I placed soft kisses all over his face until I finally got to the corner of his mouth. I couldn't wait any longer. I was teasing myself just as much as how I was teasing him.

"Big brother! Guess what we saw!" suddenly a high pitch voice entered the house and we heard how the door gets closed, right after that, Elliot's parents chatting.

I moved back to my side of the couch in like two seconds and we both groaned.

"Hi, little princess." Elliot said, his face lighting up when seeing his little sister running into the living room.

She jumped on him, before even noticing me and hugged him.

"This is Damian, Michy." Elliot chuckled while slightly giving me a smirk.

"He's much more handsome than Pablo." she looked at me from head to toes and stated, while giving me the sweetest smile.

My eyes widened and Elliot slapped himself into face.

"Who's more handsome?" his mom came into the living room, looking confused and I wanted to start to cry.

I will strangle Elliot when this will be over!

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