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"Um, well." Elliot hummed awkwardly, placing both of his hands on my shoulders and sliding them up and down slowly, while we were standing by the boys dressing room alone.

I was already in my jersey, but totally not game ready with my hands shaking.

Shouldn't it be the other way around? Elliot, the nerd boy, the one who never talks or gets noticed, is at our high school basketball game and standing next to me, smiling, not bother at all and I, Damian, the team's best shooting guard, am shitting my pants.

"You're going to do great!" he said and I pulled his small body in a hug, rubbing his head with my chin and laughing like crazy.

He already smelt like home to me. Like safety, like all the things I want in life. This time peppermint was new though!

"Nice shampoo, buddy!" I teased him, pulling away a little to look into his mesmerizing blue, big eyes. He looked up to me through his eyelashes and his cheeks turned a little red.

"Yea, my mom just bought it. It's peppermint, by the way." he smiled shyly and scratched the back of his neck.

He is so precious.

"I don't deserve you." I whispered. More like said it to myself.

"What, D?" he furrowed his brows in confusion.

"I said I better get going." I chuckled.

"Meet you here after the game?"

"Um, well I'd prefer not to. Parking lot would work." I said and now was my time to scratch the back of my neck. There's going to be a lot of people in the parking lot as well and I honestly don't know if I'm ready for that.

"Chill out. Your reaction is why I already talked to Lisa and we're going to drive her home after, so that you're not seen together alone with a gay guy." Elliot rolled his eyes on me and in any other situation, I'd smile for such an expression, now my face dropped.

He turned around and started to walk to the hall.

"Hey, hey, look, El!" I tried to call him. When he didn't respond and just kept going forward, I started to run to him.

"Where the fuck do you think you're going?" suddenly I was grabbed by Isaac. On my waist. His big arms were all around my waist. He smelled like sandalwood and cigarettes, and his grip around me was tight, masculine.

"Game's about to blow off, dummy."

"You haven't even stretched yet!" he playfully slapped the back of my head and pushed me through the doors into the dressing room.

Before the doors closed, I could see Elliot staring at us with a dark look all over his face.

"I can walk myself, okay, man?" I yelled at Isaac and pushed his hands aways from my body. I could still feel his touch and it seemed wrong.

"What is up with you, seriously?" he sighed and jogged to our other teammates who were stretching, eating bananas or energy bars.

I went to my locker and without getting the chance to stop myself, threw my fist against it, making a loud thudding noise. Now almost everyone here was staring at me. The room started to spin around me and I wanted to hit some more, but instead I rested my head against the locker and got my water bottle out.

My dad's special chamomile tea would really work now. I should text him.

Slowly the guys started to get back to their own things, but some were still whispering or laughing.

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