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The next morning I was afraid to open my eyes. Because of the fact that I could already feel the crazy headache that I was having, but most importantly because Damian and I fell asleep cuddling last night. And of course because of what he said.

"I think I'm so fucking gay for you!"

He was the popular kid. The school's jock. A straight guy whom I have a crush on since the time I can remember being gay. I've had 'boyfriends' here and there but none of them made me feel like how I feel for Damian. And now it turns out that he's possibly not even that straight as how we all thought.

And now I was at his bed, feeling his muscular arms around my small waist and our legs over each other. If mine would be a little bit higher, I could feel his cock against them.

I panicked. To be honest, I'd be surprised if I wouldn't.

So I took a deep breath, trying to at least a little bit calm down my shaking body and hopped out of the bed with one fast move. I froze when he groaned at the loose of our touch and started to murmur something.

"Shit!" I cursed, while still being scared of turning around to see if he's awake.

Then I heard him turning around and the murmuring stopped. I let out the breath that I was holding in this whole time.

In a speed of light I put on my jeans and found my phone on his nightstand. The display said it's only 7 am, so if I succeed at being extra quiet, his family won't notice me.

I'm such a pussy!

At the door I turned around and looked at the sleeping boy as this would be the last time looking at him ever. He now was hugging the other pillow, his hair was all over his face and his mouth a little bit open.

I loved to see him all edgy and 'bad boy' at school, more than loved, but seeing him like this, so peaceful, so calm, so adorable made me feel even more.

Then his murmuring started again and it was now or never. I had to get out of this house.

"Elliot.." when I was almost out of his room, I heard him whispering. He was still asleep, I was sure of that, but this made my hearth ache.

But this was the right thing to do. He had to figure everything out himself. My presence could only affect his decisions.


Another school week had started and I still had no idea what's happening with me. All I know is that I wanted to see him but he was nowhere to be found.

"Maybe he got a flu or maybe he's still not feeling well from the party. Even I feel a bit dizzy." Lisa, as always, tried her best to calm me down and comfort me.

We were having lunch, Noah was actively talking to his girlfriend about something while Lisa was trying to understand what's up with me, because I didn't talk about any of this. To her question what happened when we both left the party, I just said he slept at my house until he was sober and then he left. Which isn't false.

I remember waking up on a Saturday morning, looking forward to open my eyes and see him peacefully sleeping next to me but there was no sign of him. He didn't even leave me a note. In the movies they always at least leave a note. And trust me, I looked for it. I was trying to find it the whole morning, only stopped when my brother came into my room for the third time and said that I really need to let it go.

The whole weekend I spent thinking about him and wishing I had his number. All this thinking got me nowhere. Now everything was just even more complicated. I have no idea how I feel about him and how he feels about me. All i know, and I know that for sure, there's something between us. Something that friends usually don't feel for each other.

"Hey, look! I know that you're confused as fuck and that's completely normal, but what about you stop for a moment and live for today? Don't think about the future, about all the whats ifs and especially don't torture yourself with questions about your sexuality. Trust me, it will come naturally and after that you'll know for sure and everything will be clear." Lisa put her hand on my shoulder and gave me a smile.

"Lis, I don't want the whole school to know that I'm questioning my sexuality, okay?" I said with a harsh tone but she was absolutely right. As always.

I'll just let it be and then we'll see. What happens happens.

"Let's go to math?" Natalie got up with her plate and asked.

"Today's the test, right?" Lisa sighed because math was like Chinese for her and the tests were like once in a month to see how well we understood the unit. They were hard even for me and I was quite good at math.

"You guys have calculators?" Noah asked and we all nodded.

"Remember this one time.." Noah was talking but I stopped hearing it.

There he was! Standing against the wall, next to the math class, his eyes were in his notebook, revising. He had black pants, his converse and a red hoodie. Stunning!

Then I did one of the most stupid thing out of all the things that I could've done in this situation, I went straight to him with no idea about what I'm gonna say to him.

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