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"Damian, where are you taking me?" I was asking while being blindfolded with my scarf, his hands were on my back, guiding me in the right direction.

"I need you to close your ears! We're almost there." He exclaimed behind me.

"Now you've got me scared!" I let out, but put my hands as tight as possible on my ears.

20 or so more steps and we finally stopped. Damian pulled off my scarf and the bright light made me squeeze my eyes.

I opened one eye to see, while still trying to get used to the light.

"You did not!" I almost screamed.

He was standing in front of me, smiling from ear to ear.

We were at the ice rink.

And I was shitting my pants.

"How did you..?" I started to ask.

"Your sister told me that your favorite thing to watch is hockey, so I figured, why not take you home?" Damian was looking so excited, I almost couldn't find the courage within me to tell him.

But what else am I supposed to do? Learn how to skate without ever being on ice before?

"Oh no, what did I do?" His smile was gone.

"No, I love it! Where do we get our skates?" I gave him a smile and started to look around.


"I watch ice skating not hockey. I would never watch like sports sports!" I exclaimed, putting my hands in my pockets.

"That's what I told her too, but she looked so confident in her answer." He was scratching the back of his neck and squeezing his eyes as of trying to think what to do now.

"Do you know how to skate?" He then asked me.

I shook my head, mouthing "sorry".

"Fuck me!" He sighed.

"Let's go!"

"No, don't be silly!" I started to panic and grabbed his arm.

He was looking so let down, I wanted to wrap my arms around his body.

I wanted to crawl inside of him actually.

I still can't believe how this is happening. How I scored this big.

Of course, at the back of my head, there is a voice telling me to run as far as possible from this situation, from him. Trying to protect me.

I don't know how I will ever be able to have sex. I don't even know if I can kiss someone without feeling the panic washing all over me again.

And I also don't know if Damian is just really confused or bisexual, or gay, or lost a terribly bad bet. I don't know if he won't go running if I ever will get over this and let him in.

However, I don't think I would be able to deal with him leaving under any circumstance.

We were sitting down on the benches, watching kid's hockey practice on the other side of the rink.

"I think we should try it!" I said but it sounded more like a squeal.

"You don't have to just because I'm an idiot."

He was twirling his ring around his finger.

"No, I actually want to!" I tried to sound as enthusiastic as possible.

Damian's hair was not styled, it was almost falling in his dark eyes.

God, I love his eyes. Well, this is going to hurt.

"If you're down, I'm down!" He jumped up and pulled me with him.

"I can't believe you have such small feet." Damian was still mocking me even after we were back from getting our skates.

"I enjoyed watching you play tonight." I whispered, wanting to finally change the subject, but also if I wouldn't have said it now, I probably wouldn't ever.

I always feel like the next thing that I will say will somehow mess things up. Scare him away.

He was smiling and his cheeks were turning a little bit red.

Is he seriously blushing?

"I waited all night, wanting to hear you say it." He whispered, looking at my face.

Well, he was definitely looking at my lips.

"Come on!" I looked away, trying to hide my smile.

"So will you be at my every game now?" I could hear him asking, so I turned my head back to him.

"No doubts." I was looking down on the ground.

My whole insides were feeling mushy.

Getting the skates on was harder than I thought it would be and Damian stepped in to help me.

He was kneeling down on one knee, helping me to get the strings in the right places and making sure it's not too loose or too tight and I had to look away for most of the time.

All it took for me was to see the veins slightly popping out of his hands to almost get a boner. I couldn't even start to think about him being down on his knees in front of me.

Where is this coming from? Was I really just like every other teenager? Or was it because he was he.

Everything about him mesmerized me.

The way he walks, the way he presses his back against his locker, the way he looks at me through his hair, the way he talks using the wrong grammar, the way he smiles, showing me his dimple.

He even drinks from a bottle in such an attractive way.

Once I put one leg onto the ice, I instantly knew that it was over for me.

Damian was already waiting for me, he had his arms outstretched, ready to catch me.

"I can't do this!" I cried out, putting both of my legs on ice, squeezing my eyes shut.

"Just give me your hand, I will teach you." He was chuckling.

He was showing me how to put my legs after one another, but I just kept almost falling. And then actually falling, taking him down with me.

I felt so embarrassed, knowing that Damian had to catch me every 15 seconds. And I wasn't getting used to it nor any better like he kept saying me.

"I think I broke my butt, Damian!" I screamed out once I was down on the ice yet again.

It made him laugh so much that he lost his balance too, ending up down here with me.

We exchanged looks and started to laugh even more.

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