Dementor in Hogwarts?

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  As they sat down they talked for a while but then all the lights turned out including the fire pit and they heard strange noises coming from the door. The prefect decided to take a look at it.    

  Jazzie felt uneasy. "What do you think it is?" She whispered to Julian.  

  "Probably one of the dementors!" Julian said frightened as the prefect opened the door. It was a dementor! And he caught the prefect!  

  Jazzie gasped and stared. The younger kids cowered while an older group of kids, around 5th year and up, jumped up. I hope they know Expecto Patronum, she thought. Well, it's not even about knowing Expecto Patronum, another part of her brain thought. It's really a case of if they can do it. 

  The dementor spooked them and they all ran away except for Julian and Jazzie. Julian only knew one spell, so did Jazzie but they both knew different spells. Jazzie gave Julian a ready look and they both used the spells at the same time.  

  "Stupefy!" Jazzie shouted. 

"Diffindo!" Julian yelled after her.

  The dementor was hurt but not hurt enough. As the dementor walked close to the twins, someone said something from behind the dementor. 


It was the prefect. The dementor let go of him while Julian and Jazzie had distracted him!  

  Jazzie stared at the now empty spot where the dementor once stood. Or floated? She turned her gaze to the prefect, who was staring wide-eyed at the twins.

  All the Ravenclaws were wowed! They couldn't believe first-years were brave enough to fight a dementor! Even though they didn't completely get rid of it, they helped!

"That was so cool!" A first-year gushed. Others agreed.

"Yeah! I mean, if I saw a dementor, I would run or faint!" Blasted one of them. 

"Wait!" Jazzie said. "Dementors are from Azkaban. . . they have no reason coming here unless. ." 

"Someone has escaped from Azkaban!" Julian said out loud.

  The chatter quieted. "I think," panted the prefect, "we should get Professor McGonagall."  

Julian and Jazzie at Hogwarts: Their First YearWhere stories live. Discover now