Potions Class

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They got up and were about to run to their common room when they remembered they didn't know how. Professor McGonagall escorted them to their common room. They got their things and McGonagall guided them to potions class. 

"DID WE MAKE IT IN TIME?!" Julian and Jazzie yelled once inside the class.

They were met with Horace Slughorn and laughing students, including Axel.

  Julian grred but after saying mean things to him, Julian thinks Axel has had enough. 

"No, in fact, you are just in time," said Slughorn.

  Jazzie and Julian sighed in relief. They looked around for where to sit and found to empty seats around two rows behind the front. The bad thing? Axel was sitting next to them. Jazzie made sure to take the seat next to him, just to ensure Julian and him wouldn't have another argument.  

  Julian gave Jazzie a 'thank-you-very-much' face and Slughorn continued. "As you all know I am professor Slughorn," he said. Then he gave a speech that no one really cared about except for the Ravenclaws.  

  "Let's begin class!" He said once he was finished. The Slytherins were glad that the speech was finally over and the Ravenclaws looked like they were close to clapping.  Obviously, because the speech was beautiful.  

  "The first potion you will learn today is the cure for boils potion. This will be very helpful for the rest of your life. So listen closely." Of course, everyone listened except for the Slytherins. Well, at least they did a little.  

  "The ingredients are in your potions book and you can find them over here-" He gestured towards a table in the front of the room "-Good luck!  

  Julian asked, "Can we work in pairs?" 

Then Axel said, "Why? Are you scared you are going to mess up?!" 

Suddenly, Julian made the hands of a fist.  

  Jazzie noticed and said, "Woah, woah, woah, calm down, Julian. You don't need to let him get to you." 

Julian's fists softened a little. Axel mouthed, 'scaredy-cat'. Julian's fists hardened again. 

Jazzie looked at Axel. "Look, can you stop?" 

He glared at her. "He deserves it." 

"Well, I'm not saying he doesn't, per say. Him calling you a mud-blood yesterday was really messed up, especially considering. . ." She stopped herself. "Anyway, I really don't want to get caught in the crossfire and get in trouble. So could you, I don't know, do whatever this is after classes?"  

  Julian gave Jazzie a 'WHAT-THE-HELL-IS-WRONG-WITH-YOU' look. 

Axel said, "Great! Meet me at the courtyard after school, unless you are scared!" 

Julian said, "Who said I was? Idiot!"  

  Jazzie sighed. "Well, okay." She looked at both of them. They were glaring at each other. "Now if you two don't mind, I'm going to start making my potion before you come up with another clever idea to get us in trouble-" She looked pointedly at Julian, gesturing to his fists "-or worse. Expelled."  

  "Ugh, her and Hermione," Julian said.

Axel nodded. They both went back to work. 

Wait, what?! Did they just agree?! 

Did we just agree?! Julian thought.

 Did we just agree?!  Axel thought.  

  Class ended and Jazzie and Julian were bursting with excitement. 



Then, suddenly, Julian stopped. "Wait! How am I going to fight him if I don't know any spells?!" 

Jazzie suddenly remembered. "Timothy!" 

Julian and Jazzie at Hogwarts: Their First YearWhere stories live. Discover now