The Forbidden Corridor

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 As they walked to their next class, they got a surprise from Axel. "Hey, punk! You ready to fight after school?!" He said stupidly.

"Well actually, I saw the dueling club is open after school, how about we fight there so the whole public can see?" Julian said hoping it didn't draw too much attention.

"You're smart. Maybe I can use you for classes after you beg for mercy, meet you in the dueling club. . . Dork!"

Julian wanted to throw in a punch but Jazzie stopped him as Axel walked away.

"What would I do without you?" Julian said in a joking manner.

Jazzie rolled her eyes and continued walking. "Get expelled."  

  "So what class is next?" Julian asked, hoping it was Defense Against Dark Arts. 

"I think Transfiguration," Jazzie replied.

  "Hmm, well you go there, I have to meet someone." Jazzie was suspicious but just went with it. 

  Jazzie made her way to transfiguration and took a seat, anxiously wondering who Julian was meeting.  

  Meanwhile, Julian was somewhere he shouldn't be. Somewhere no one should be. He was at the forbidden corridor, but he wasn't there just because. He was there because of someONE.  

  Professor McGonagall arrived. Someone took a seat beside Jazzie before she could stop them, and it was Axel. Yippee.  

  Meanwhile back at the corridors, someone was there, someone you least expected. 

"Look, I don't think we should do this," Julian said with fear all over himself. You know that feeling you get how you feel like ants are crawling all over you? That's what he felt.

  McGonagall scanned the room. Her eyes landed on Jazzie, and she quickly noticed that Julian wasn't in class. "Miss Hunter," McGonagall said, and all eyes landed on Jazzie. "A word outside, please?" 

Jazzie nodded mutely and stood up, Axel giving her a look that said, 'where's your brother now?'. She ignored him and walked towards McGonagall, shaking with fear.  

  Back in the corridors, Julian was more scared than ever. "Look I really need to get to cla-" 

"NO! We need to do this now! It says here 'in the time of 12:01 a Ravenclaw and a Hufflepuff will reach the forbidden corridors and seek what they are looking for'," he said. 

"Mum wouldn't like this. . ." Julian said in fear with Nargles in his stomach. 

"Why do you think we are here?! Looking for shoes?!"  

  McGonagall and Jazzie met outside. "Miss Hunter, care to explain why your brother isn't in class?" 

Jazzie swallowed. "W-well. . ."  

  I'm not ready for this! I'm only a first year!" Julian said, looking even more alarmed than before. "Look Timothy I love you, but I'm late for class. I can't be late on my first day of class!"  

  McGonagall raised her eyebrows. 

"I-I don't know where he is. . ." Jazzie said honestly. McGonagall's eyes widened in alarm.  

  "Look, the faster we get through this, the faster you can get to class," Timothy said, whispering. 

Julian started crying. "I miss mum. . ." 

Timothy put his hand on Julian's mouth and whispered, "Shh, it's okay, we are here for mum. Once this is done we should be able to find her. . ." 

Julian nodded. 

"It's 12:00, in a minute this will open, we need to be alert, I'm going to let go of you. . ." Timothy let his hand slowly away from Julian's mouth. He was still sobbing.  

  "What do you mean you don't know where he is?!" McGonagall demanded. 

Jazzie flinched at the sudden increase in noise. "I-I don't know! He told me he needed to meet someone and left me so I could come to class!"

12:01. . . They looked around. . . Nothing. . . They looked again. . . Nothing. 

But suddenly Timothy remembered. "Revelio."

 A message popped up next to them.

Julian and Jazzie at Hogwarts: Their First YearWhere stories live. Discover now