Meeting Richard

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  They begin running in a random direction when Jazzie stopped. 

"Wait," She said. "We don't know how to go to Hufflepuff's common room. We don't even know how to go to our common room. And what if he isn't even in his common room?"

 Julian bit his lip. "That's true. . ." He spotted a Hufflepuff. He remembered his name from sorting, Richard. He nudged Jazzie. "We can try?" 

Jazzie nodded and they walked to him.  

  "Hey, Richard right?" Julian said, hoping he wasn't wrong. 

"Yes! That's me! How are you!" That's your typical Hufflepuff. 

"We were wondering if you would show us the way of the common room?" 

"OF COURSE I WOULD! Right this way!" This time Jazzie and Julian took notes on where to go from where they were to the Hufflepuff common room. 

  Once they made it, they thanked Richard. "H-hey Richard! Could you let us in? We're looking for our brother, Timothy. He's a 5th year. Maybe you met him?" Jazzie asked hopefully. 

Richard nodded. "Sure have! He's really nice!" Richard turned to the door, then looked back and squirmed a bit. "I-I don't mean to be rude, but. . . Could you turn around? Our prefect told us specifically not to let anyone see how way get in, no matter how nice they are."

Jazzie and Julian nodded and turned around. A second later, the door opened.  

  "Thanks, bud!" Julian said with happiness.

"No problem! H-hey.. do you mind if you teach me how to do the potion after school?" Richard said, looking embarrassed.

"Of course!" Jazzie said. Julian nodded.

"W-wow, thanks, you guys!" 

Julian and Jazzie at Hogwarts: Their First YearWhere stories live. Discover now