No "Gay Dads" Here

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Emily's P.O.V

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

"Emily? Emily it's time to get up. We need to go shopping today to get you some clothes," I hear Patrick say through my door. I fumble around in my bed looking for my phone. 9:00 that is way to early.

"Ok I'll be down in a minute," I somewhat yell as I stumble out of bed. I walk over to my closet and grab a pair of black jeans and a long black sleeve shirt. I quickly get changed then head to the bathroom and get ready.

"Here eat up. We have a big day," Andy says placing a plate of pancakes in front of me.

"Wheres Pete?" I ask looking around for him.

"Probably still asleep. I need to wake him up," Patrick says getting up from his seat and walking away.

"Eat," Andy says pointing to my food. I pick up my fork and cut off a piece.

"PATRICK!" Pete yells from upstairs. Andy and I look at each other before running upstairs. When we get there we see a sleepy Pete getting attacked by a happy Patrick.

"Getttt upppp Petttteeee."

"I WILL IF YOU GET OFF OF ME," Patrick slids off of Pete landing on the floor with a thump. Pete sits up looking at all of us. We all start laughing at Pete who's hair is sticking up everywhere.

"Gosh just shut up," he grumbles getting out of bed and putting on a shirt that was lying on the floor.

"Be down in twenty minutes. Me, you, and Emily are going shopping today. We all turn around and leave Pete to get dressed.

"Okay well I'm going to go see Joe in the studio," Andy says waving as he jogs to the next flight or stairs.

*At the mall*

"HOTTOPIC!" I yell as I run towards the store. I haven't been in here since that time I ran away to go get more clothes. Pete and Patrick walk up behind me as I grab a My Chemical Romance shirt.

"Look Pattycakes! There's us!" Pete says pointing to the Fall Out Boy T-shirts hanging on the wall. I walk over and grab one of their shirts just to be nice. Knowing that I probably will have to wear one sometime.

I start to walk away when I hear somebody whisper something about 'two gay dads'. I turn around and see two boys snickering.

"Leave it be," Pete says lightly grabbing my shoulder. I pull away from him and walk up to the boys.

"Hello idiots! If you haven't noticed you are standing under FOB T-shirts. Well, you two being as dumb as you are, don't even notice that "the two gay dads" are Pete and Patrick from Fall Out Boy and yes I live with them," I say before turning around and heading over to the Panic! At The Disco stuff.

"So you ready to check out?" Patrick and Pete ask, arms filled with clothes.

"I think so!" I say placing another shirt on top of Pete's pile. We walk over to the cash register and ring Pete and Patricks load separately.

*Back at home*

"And then she was just like 'yeah I live with them!'" I hear Pete tell Andy outside my door. He probably thinks I can't hear him because I'm in my closet hanging up my clothes but he's loud.

I walk into the bathroom and turn the water on in the shower. I walk over to the sink and pull out my bag of blades. I look through all of them finding the perfect one. I then step in the shower letting the warm water run over my body.

After I finish cleaning myself and everything I pick up the blade. I bring the blade up to my forearm. Never the wrist, people will be able to see them.

"Let's see...right here," I say placing the blade to my arm and pressing down. I pull the blade and the blood starts to seep through the cut. This goes on until I have at least ten cuts bleeding. I put the blade down and pick up my wash cloths. I slowly put it on the cuts knowing it will sting.

I place the blade back in the bag before standing up and going into my room. There are times like this when I'm glad I have a towel around myself.

"ANDY," I yell as I run back to the bathroom.

"Oh sorry Emily. I really didn't know you were um in that state. I was just wondering if you wanted to cook dinner with me again?"

"Yes yes I will be down in a minute, just let me put some clothes on," I say as I hear him shut the door. I walk to my closet and grab a pair of PJ shorts and a long sleeve FOB shirt. Yes I'm being a suck up to them tonight.

"Ok now I'm ready to be seen," I say walking into the kitchen.

"Sorry about that," Andy says as his cheeks grow red.

"Stop blushing you creep!" I say slapping his arm playfully before standing next to him.

"Nice shirt! I think I've heard of that band before. I heard the drummer walked in on his daughter wrapped in a towel," he says laughing.

"OMG ANDY!" I yell. I then start to blush at the fact that he actually called me his daughter.

"Hey you guys actually consider me your real daughter?" I know it's a stupid question but it was worth the shot.

"Of course. Why wouldn't we?" He says setting down the knife he was holding.

"I don't know. I'm not perfect. I don't even know why you picked me," I say sitting down on one of the bar stools. He walks over and takes a seat next to me.

"We picked you because we saw potential. I saw potential. I knew that you hated that place I knew you wanted to leave, maybe not with us. You were different from the rest....we liked it."

Potential. They saw potential? In me? No. I'm too messed up.

"Come on let's get back to cooking dinner," Andy says getting up and heading back to where he was.

*later that night*

"What was your first impression when you saw me?" I ask Pete as we lay on the couch watching tv. Like Pete said, Patrick, Joe, and Andy all like to go to bed early.

"Well I don't know. When you came in all I saw was a skinny freaked out girl with black hair. I had read your file online but it didn't really say anything about you," he says mutton the TV during a commercial break. Everything around us is black and the only way I can see Pete is from the TV.

"Am I what you expected?" I ask looking down at my hands.

"Better!" He says turning off the TV.

"Come on its time for bed. It's almost midnight," He says crawling out from his blanket and standing up.

"Ugh I'm comfy," I whine.

"Come on," he says picking me up bridal style. I cling to his chest hoping he doesn't drop me.

"Don't drop me Wentz!"

"Trust me I do this to Patrick all the time," he says starting to walk up the stairs, only making me cling to his chest even more. I rest my head in his shoulder almost falling asleep until he stops.

"Do I need to tuck you in to?"

"No I'm capable of doing that," I say climbing out of his arms missing the warmth as soon as I do so.

"Goodnight Emily," he says walking to his door. I tell him goodnight before walking into my room and flopping on my bed. I then start to drift into a restless sleep.

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