What a catch

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Emily's P.O.V

"Ten years in prison for breaking and entering, damage of property, and attempt of murder," I sit in the back of the court room listening to the judge. I do feel bad since she just had a kid and all, but appearentally she put him up for adoption. Luckily, Pete got him back. I would feel even worse knowing that, that baby was growing up in an orphanage, trust me I know what it's like.

"Case closed," Meagan gets pulled away and I quickly bolt out of the room and through the doors that lead outside. I walk down the paved path to a little sitting area and wait.

"You know, it could have been a lot worse," I sigh and tap my foot.

"Yeah I know."

"You should be grateful. If you died I don't know what I would do."

"Move on. Live life the way it was before we met. I'm not that important."

"You know, at the school I use to go to, there were a lot of girls like you. Girls that didn't think they were important. You are equally as important as that man right there," he points to a man wearing a suit and carrying a brief case.

"Why are you even here?"

"Because you asked me too."

"Well I didnt actaully think you would. Im surprised you still even care about me."

"I never stopped caring about you, he walks over and kisses my forehead, "now let's get you home." I follow him back to the car and hop in once he unlocks it.

I walk into the house and up the stairs. Ryder follows me into my bedroom and lays down on my bed.

"You know I really wish I had a house like this," he says looking over at me as I close the door.

"Oh shut up I'm pretty sure your house is big enough," there's a knock on the door and Pete walks in.

"Oh hi Ryder," he has gotten use to him now and doesn't see him as a threat.

"What happened in the court room, I heard there was a lot of screaming," Pete decided to stay home, for safety reasons manly.

"Eh it was ok. She got ten years in prison for breaking and entering, damage of property, and attempt of murder," he nods his head in understanding.

"Well I'll leave you guys alone. I'll be down stairs cooking dinner with Andy if you need anything," he walks out and shuts the door. I walk over to the bed and lay next to Ryder.

He pulls me close to him so my head is on his chest. I play with his fingers as our legs tangle together from habit.

"How are you now a days. I'm sorry I don't get to see you much."

"Ok, they threw my blades away so no more cutting. I don't really have anymore sucidal thoughts or anything like that," he nods his head and mutters a quiet 'good'.

"Hey did I ever tell you about my new baby brother?" I turn and face him and he has a smile on his face.

"No I don't think you have," I take his hand and drag him out of my room. We walk downstairs and I see the boys and Bronx sitting on the couch. We walk in front of them and we see the new baby.

The new baby we call.....Saint.






I am so sorry guys. I had/have really bad writers block and I'm trying to figure out how to end this book. Also I won't start the sequel right away. I want to write some other books that I hope you guys will read. Sorry for the long wait.

Love you!

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