Never got over you Part 1

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Bucky x Reader

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Bucky x Reader

So, the first four or so chapters are going to be a bit short, just because that's where the breaks are that allow the sections to stay together. Ok, story info...

(Y/n), a physical trainer at the gym she worked so hard to lose her extra weight at after high school, and Bucky, a veteran sent home after losing his arm, are put in an uncomfortable situation; they are now housemates. Problem 1: they don't like each other. Problem 2: the sexual tension between them keeps building. Problem 3: things keep pushing them together when they try to stay apart. Problem 4: they keep fantasizing about each other in ways that are definitely not helping the sexual tension. Problem 5: they're not sure what it is, yet, but it's sure to be as bad as the others.

Types: reader insert, no powers AU, multi part story, smut, forced roommate, sexual tension, romance, angst, comfort, eventual: fluff (more added as they come up)

Overall series warnings: talk of PTSD throughout the story, adorable Bucky, jealous Bucky, smut, (secret) erotica podcaster Bucky, reader with a bit of body issues, swearing, (added as they come up)


... ... ...

Yes, this was really happening, (Y/n) had to convince herself. She was standing in the street, looking up at the fiery blaze that had been her apartment building.

And after the hellish day she'd just finished, too.

Oh of course her apartment would burn down on the night that she'd gone to surprise her boyfriend and found him in bed with one of his coworkers, or, on the kitchen table to be exact. Add to that him begging forgiveness, and then blaming her for having cheated, saying that she was such a lousy lay that he'd had to have sex with another woman, when she refused to forgive him.

And that after having to work with the client that sexually harassed her through her whole training session as she tried to get him to work out while he just tried to grab her ass.

"Oh my fuck," she murmured to herself, unable to tear her eyes away from the inferno that was destroying her home.

Absently, she had the thought that at least it had been such a small place that she hadn't been able to fit all of her things in, so most of them were in a storage unit. Except her books, and bed, and most of her clothes...

Well. Other than what she had in the gym bag on her arm.

A bright light moved around in her preferials, and she snapped out if it enough to look over and see a tv crew filming.

Her hand felt into her bag, digging out her phone and she stared at the dark screen.

Who did she call? A friend? Family? Some long lost relative? The fucking shelter?

Because that's where she was probably going to end up; long lost relatives? They were still lost to her, family? They had moved to the other side of the country two years ago, when she'd moved in here. Friends? Being the awkward tomboy that she was, she only had two or three friends that were close enough to ask to stay with them until she found a place. One was on her honeymoon, one had a tiny studio apartment, and the other, well, the two were really just really good acquaintances, and on second thought not someone that she would call out of the blue and ask for help like this unless she had no choice...

Never got over you (Bucky Barnes x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now