Part 12 NSFW

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(Y/n) walked down the aisle at the market, searching through the fruit to find the best pieces.

Lance had offered to come with her, but she had told him that she wanted to do this shopping alone, and take some time to herself.

He'd smiled and said goodbye, telling her he'd see her the next day for their date.

She hadn't really ever been on a date that wasn't with Jason, so she wondered what he would have planned.

She was so in thought about it, and the fruit she was looking at that she jumped when her phone went off, and pulled it out to see a text from Bucky.

'Where are you?'

She lifted a brow. 'I told you, I went out to eat with my friend, I'm in town.'

It was a moment before the next text, and she thought that she had answered his question, so she stuck her phone in her pocket, but had to pull it out only a second later as another messaged buzzed.

'I know. I just got done with work, and thought I'd pick you up. Unless your friend is going to drive you.'

(Y/n) looked up at one of the signs to remember the store name and sent it to him.

She continued looking through the fruit until Bucky walked up to her and silently stood near her.

Neither of them said anything, just standing in companionable silence as they moved slowly through the section, and she saw a lady nervously looking at Bucky, as though he were about to kidnap someone.

She raised a brow and turned to look at him, seeing him in his regular going to town clothes; jeans, his leather jacket over a t-shirt, and a hat pulled a little low while keeping his hair back.

He was standing behind her a few steps, tall and imposing, keeping his metal hand stuffed in his pocket and his flesh thumb tucked into the band of his jeans, looking around, checking the area for safety as she knew was a tick of his PTSD.

She looked back to the woman, who was now talking to a store employee, glancing over at Bucky as they spoke quietly.

Her eyes studied Bucky's face, wondering what had set off the woman's danger sense; all she saw was a handsome, if a little uncomfortable, man standing next to her. But, the woman was taking action, maybe thinking she was saving her from being abducted.

She had to do something that they could see to show that everything was ok, and she didn't want to make Bucky feel bad, like all he had to do to be considered scary was stand somewhere.

She stepped closer and touched his arm, surprised when he looked down at her, thinking that he wouldn't be able to feel her light touch against the metal arm, but, it was Stark technology.

She smiled up at him and held up a peach. "Do you want peach pancakes?"

Bucky was instantly more at ease as he looked down into her eyes. "If you want to make them," he told her.

She looked over to the two, seeing that they were looking back at her, and flashed a smile before going about her business.

They got more groceries, Bucky saying that they may as well, and went up to the register.

After she put all of her fruit on the belt, behind his items, he scooted them all together, taking out the separator as the cashier started ringing them.

"But- I can't afford-"

Bucky waved his hand at her, as he watched the total.


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