Part 22

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The weekend was finally there- only, Bucky wasn't excited because he'd have the time off; he only worked his job four days a week and did his podcasting thing sporadically throughout whenever he had time so that he could spend time with (Y/n).

No, he was excited because (Y/n) had the weekend off, and he got to sit on the couch with her, watching movies, reading books, staring at her, daydreaming about how she tasted- God, he really must sound like some sort of creepy stalker, but- he just wanted her so badly.

He could tell that he needed to go extremely slow to get her comfortable with him touching her casually again, but he could do it as long as he could still be with her, especially when she sat so close next to him, not saying a thing when his fingers brushed against her and ran over her skin in patterns.

... ... ...

(Y/n) came back into the living room, carrying the bowl of popcorn as she sat next to him, turning so that she could see the tv, since the couch was sideways against the wall. Bucky put his arms out around the back of the couch, settling back and spreading out, waiting a few moments before he let his hand stretch, his fingers brushing against her shoulder.

The commercials finally ended, and the movie started, and (Y/n) took a handful of popcorn and ate a few pieces, putting the bowl on Bucky's lap.

Bucky took a few pieces with the hand that wasn't touching (Y/n) and ate them, his body slowly, inch by inch shifting so that he was almost facing her back.

Twenty minutes into the movie, (Y/n) turned and grabbed another handful of popcorn, shifting as she turned back around so that her back was to Bucky.

After another few moments, (Y/n) slowly leaned back until she felt him against her back, not quite leaning against him, but letting their bodies just touch.

Bucky swallowed roughly as he tried to keep his breath under control. (Y/n)'s body was just brushing against his chest, feeling torturously soft and warm, and just out of reach. He let his fingers drift over her shoulder until his hand was on her for a moment, checking that she didn't object, then let it run down her back and around her side, wrapping around her waist as he guided her back against his chest.

(Y/n) was a little stiff at first, but when he paused, she started laying back on her own, and he continued guiding her. Bucky wondered if (Y/n) could feel his heart pounding in his chest, trying its damnedest to get out and be closer to her. She tensed up for a second in his arm, then shifted to take the bowl from his lap to hers and get more comfortable, turning toward his arm and the back of the couch a little, her eyes still on the tv.

(Y/n) pushed a few pieces of popcorn into her mouth, chewing, and Bucky pressed against her as he leaned over to take a few pieces of popcorn from the bowl with his free hand, and noticed that her jaw froze for a second as his chest pressed against her. He ate the popcorn in his hand slowly, trying to focus on the movie, but he kept smelling (Y/n)'s shampoo, wanting to bury his nose in her hair and take deep breath.

Bucky had swallowed his popcorn a few minutes before, when (Y/n) put another piece into her mouth, then took another piece and held it over her shoulder.

It took him a second, but Bucky figured out that she was trying to give him the popcorn. He licked his lips, trying hard to keep his breath steady as he let his hand touch her bare elbow, sliding up her warm flesh to her wrist, directing her hand to his mouth and taking the kernel, letting his lips brush against against her fingers as his thumb ran over the back of her hand.

(Y/n) swallowed hard and put her arm back down, not trying to shake him off as he still lightly held her.

Neither of them went for the popcorn again after that, nervous that if they moved voluntarily from the position of her wrapped in his arms, they'd never get back to it naturally.

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