Part 20

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Bucky picked up his phone, wincing as he bent his heavily bruised and swollen fingers.

He hadn't been able to fall asleep at all the night before, so he was still awake to answer when Steve called him with the rising sun. "Hey, Steve," he greeted with a rough voice.

"Hey, Bucky, what's up?"

"Steve, I gotta figure out what the hell happened in high school," he groaned.

"What are you talking about?" Steve asked.

Bucky sighed, rubbing his metal hand over his face. "Steve... man... You gotta help me. (Y/n)... She went crazy on me, and accused me of doing the same thing I did in high school- Man, I don't even know what was wrong back then!" Bucky heard Steve take a breath and he knew that he was hesitant to get involved with how long it took for it to come back out as a sigh. "Please, Stevie," he murmured. "Unless she's talking about how I'm still madly in love with her, I have no idea why she's mad at me."

Steve inhaled quickly in surprise. "Bucky- I thought- I thought you didn't like her? Isn't that why you didn't want her to stay with you?"

"I tried to not like her, I tried really hard to not like her. I was angry at the things she did, how she told everyone all those bullshit lies that made them look at me like a pervert, but- Steve, I've always had feelings for her, and... It took me a while, but I realized that- that I love her..."

"The- what bullshit lies?" Steve asked.

"The ones- well, the ones that were about me trying to do things to her that I didn't do, or that I was going out with her and cheated on her, or that I was going out with her and didn't want anyone to know because I said she wasn't pretty enough... All of that bullshit."

Bucky could almost see Steve's face, shaking his head as he told him, "man, she didn't say anything about you in high school, especially not stuff like that. She just kinda, stared wistfully at you, and then called you a jerk or whatever, then just got mad at herself when she stared at you."

Bucky was silent for a moment. "But she said those things about me-"

"Let me guess," Steve sounded muffled as he tousled his hair and sighed, "you heard that from the same rumor mill that spread that (Y/n) was a lesbian?"

Bucky's eyebrows furrowed. He had... And he knew for damn sure, without a doubt, that she was not a lesbian; those screams of his name the night before, only hours ago, really- they were real; she had wanted him. "Maybe," he finally muttered.

Steve sighed to him. "Good Lord, Buck, why don't you just go ask her what happened? She's in the same house as you! I'm all the way in another state!"

"I have, Steve, more than once, but she doesn't want to talk about it, she won't tell me, and accuses me of knowing already," Bucky groaned in frustration.

Steve sighed again. "Fine, Bucky. Give me a minute and I'll call you back."

(Y/n) laid in bed half asleep, wanting to go back to sleep instead of leaving the room and seeing Bucky.

Her phone rang, and she looked down to see Steve's face smiling up at her.

She answered it and heard his voice. "Hey, (Y/n), how are you?"

"Fine," she answered.

"Good, good. Um, I was just wondering..." He sighed. "(Y/n), you gotta tell me what happened between you and Bucky in high school..."

"What? Why now, all of a sudden?" She asked groggily, not wanting to be awake and thinking about this at sunrise.

"(Y/n), you guys are having problems, right?"

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