Part 6 (NSFW)

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A/n- Smut in this one- in the form of one of Bucky's podcasts, also angry Bucky.


Bucky dropped the bag of take out on the counter, looking over at (Y/n) as he took off his glove, stuck it in the jacket pocket and took the jacket off, putting it and his hat on one of the chairs at the table, leaving his arms exposed from where his t-shirt sleeves ended at his biceps down.

She set her gym bag on the floor next to the chair she pulled out and sat down, her eyes looking up to see his metal arm facing her as he sat next to her.

Bucky pulled the bag closer and unpacked it, setting the boxes of curry on the table and the foils containing the naan, handing her a plastic fork and taking one for himself.

(Y/n) took the fork and opened the box, looking at the concoction and scooping a bite. She noticed him using his metal hand to eat, and her brow scrunched in confusion. "Didn't you used to be right handed?" She asked.

Bucky looked up at her, surprised that she would remember that. "Yeah, but I've been training this one to respond and work just like my right one does."

"Aw, man, I wish I could be ambidextrous," she said.

"It is pretty cool," he admitted. Inside he was smiling, glad that she had reacted so favourably to his arm.

When they finished their dinner, (Y/n) stood and threw their things in the trash, then stood awkwardly at the edge of the table for a moment while Bucky waited for her to speak. "Um... I know that I said the ride was the last thing I'd ask for, but..." She chewed her lip while she gathered her wits and he waited. "I would really appreciate a shower, and a chance to wash my clothes... and also... I mean, I'm not sure how comfortable you or I would be... with me sleeping naked on your couch..."

Bucky had to school his face back to nonchalant as he roughly swallowed at the thought of her sleeping naked on his couch. "Yeah, 'course you can take a shower, as for the naked... I'm sure I could dig something up while you wash your clothes."

He showed her up to the second floor and to a bedroom at the end of the hall, then the other end where the bathroom was, next to his room.

"I'll find you something to wear and leave it on the bed with some sheets and stuff," he told her as she went into the bathroom.

"Thanks," she told him.

"Yeah, yeah. Steve would kill me if I didn't treat you right, you know," he grumbled.

She smiled teasingly. "It's nice to know that there is at least one gentleman still around- and that he's making you act like one, too."

She held back her chuckles with a smile, and Bucky's heart raced with spillover happiness that must have come from her, because her enjoying her own jokes should not affect him.

(Y/n) showered, thankful that all of her hygiene and shower things were in her bag because she liked to shower in the locker room after work sometimes.

She dried off and wrapped the towel around herself before peeking around and hurrying to the room down the hall. She closed the door behind her and turned to the bed, seeing a pile of bedding and a bundle of clothes.

She ran the towel over herself one last time to make sure she was completely dry before taking the bundle of clothes and pulling them apart. She flushed as she realized that they were Bucky's clothes, but then scolded herself; what else did he have to lend her? Except, maybe something an old girlfriend left...

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