🍋Dare - Bakugou

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Inspired by a lemon the beautiful Amane8009 wrote 💞💞


"Okay (y/n), Truth or Dare?" Ashido asked you.

"Eh... Dare,"

You and the rest of class 3-A were down in the common area. Ashido thought it would be fun to get everyone together and play a combined game of Spin the Bottle and Truth or Dare.

Everyone except Bakugou that is.

"I dare you to go kiss Bakugou on the cheek!" Ashido squealed.

Your eyes widened tenfold. "N-Nani?!"

"If you back out you have to clean out the fridge!" Ashido reminded you.

"Why Ba-Bakugou?!"

Kaminari rolled his eyes. "C'mon (y/n), it's pretty obvious you like Bakugou..."

"We all know you do. There's really no point in hiding it..." Hagakure said.

"It's either kissing Bakugou or cleaning out the fridge." Ashido smiled at you.

You hesitated a little. "Okay... Fine... I guess I can do this..." You huffed out.

Yaoyorozu smirked and winked at you as you passed by her. Considering she's your best friend, she was the only one you told about your "little" crush on Bakugou.

"I'm gonna kill you..." You mouthed. Yaoyorozu's smirk transformed into a sickeningly sweet grin as you rounded the corner and disappeared from everyone's curious eyes.

"You got this. You totally got this (y/n). It's just a simple peck on his cheek. Nothing too bad, right? How could this go wrong?" You asked no-one in particular as you gave yourself a pep talk whilst transversing through the halls to get to Bakugou's dorm room.

You heavily sighed as you got to his door. "This is going to end two ways. I'm either going to get blown to bits... Or with 3rd degree burns all over my body..." You exaggerated. You took a deep breath in and out to calm your racing heart before wrapping your fingers around the smooth metal of the doorknob. You slowly opened the door; trying to best to not wake the calmly sleeping explosive ash blonde male.

After checking and making sure he was still sleeping, you very quietly closed the door behind you, but the slight 'click' sound of the door closing made you flinch as you heard Bakugou stir; rustling his sheets.

After pausing and listening for anymore movement, you tiptoed your way over to be next to his bed. "He actually looks rather peaceful when he's not screaming out curse words every two seconds..." You thought.

Taking another deep breath in and out, you leaned down and connected your plump lips to his surprisingly soft cheek.

You giggled to yourself after breaking the cheek kiss. "I wonder if he moisturizes..."

You continued to stare down at the gently resting male before turning and beginning to walk out with the dare now done.

But before you could even lift your foot off of the ground, a big and calloused hand reached out to tightly hold your wrist. Your heart started to beat erratically as you turned your head back to look at the bed Bakugou's (supposed to be) sleeping figure resided in. You glanced down to his eyes and you were met by his sharp red orbs staring back up at you. Your own eyes widened drastically as you tried to pull your wrist from his hold, but he was a lot stronger than you.

"I-I'm s-sorry Bakugou! I-It was j-just a dare I-I swear!-"

"I want more." He husked.

You quit your struggling and turned your body to look at him with an eyebrow raised. "N-Nani?!"

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