💜🍋Day of Love - Bakugou

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Valentine's special~
(Even tho personally I don't like Valentine's but that's probably bc my first boyfriend ruined it for me😂)


Also, this is just personal opinion, but the other reason I don't like Valentine's day is because I think it's unnecessary to dedicate a single day out of the entire year to show your significant other that you appreciate and love them. Like since it's Valentine's day, everything you receive is just expected and it could look forced ya know? I think it's more special if you do Valentine's like things on a day besides Valentine's, like the spontaneity of it all will make the surprise and their reaction more genuine. Just like, it shows that you wanted to do these things for them because you genuinely love them and you were thinking about them, and not because everyone else is doing it, and also because it's part of the norm too. I mean it's fine to spoil your SO on Valentine's, but for me, I'd rather chill and cuddle and watch a movie, and then save all the more extravagant stuff for other days of the year.


Being the pro-hero that your boyfriend of 5 years, Bakugou Katsuki, is, he never really gets planned days off. It's more of a patrol-until-you-get-the-call-of-action sorta thing, so you never were one to expect to do anything on Valentine's. Katsuki was thankful that you were so lax with Valentine's too, as you reassured him on numerous times that him working on Valentine's day, and not spending it with you, was completely okay with you. Besides, you'd rather have him out there protecting and saving people instead of spoiling you.

That doesn't mean that you wouldn't get a little disappointed at the fact that he always seems busy on that particular day. Again, not that you'd complain to him, because you don't want to make him stressed, but being able to spend at least a few hours with your lover would make you beyond happy.

So considering the fact that you knew he was on patrol, you were still in your pajamas from when you woke up this morning. It was nearing sunset, and you were on your couch being covered by a fluffy blanket while your cat laid next to you. You always cringed at the overly cheesy romantic movies, so you decided to watch your favorite horror movie.

Right as you were preparing yourself for your favorite part, you heard knocking coming from your apartment door. You paused the tv and skeptically raised your eyebrow. Your boyfriend was on patrol, and you weren't expecting any guests. Maybe it was the apartment manager saying your rent was due soon?

Carefully getting from under the blanket as to not disturb your cat, you quietly made your way over to your front door. Figuring it was the apartment manager, you didn't decide to change into something more decent, as you lived in the complex for a while, and she well beyond knew by now that seeing you in your pajamas was a normal thing.

You and her have this running joke that she'd give you your rent that was due on Valentine's, since she knew you weren't single, but you were always home due to you dating a pro-hero, so she'd hand you the rent, say "Happy Valentine's!", and leave, but only to come back with a box of chocolates a few minutes later.

Already knowing what was going to happening, you walked up to the door with a smirk on your face, but when the door swung open, your smirk dropped and your eyebrows raised in surprise.

"I don't think that's an outfit you want to go out on a date with." Katsuki smirked as he stood there, (f/flowers) in hand and wearing a dark red button up. You stared at the large bouquet of flowers for several seconds before he lightly shoved them into your chest, forcing you to take hold of them. "Oi, are ya gonna continue to stand there and look like an idiot?, or will you get ready so we can leave already." He softly growled with a growing blush on his cheeks.

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