🌠💜🎃Want to see my thunderbolt? - Kaminari

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Happy day of spoops!!! I'm SO HAPPY to be writing again! I missed this platform and you guys so much!
Anyways, this cluster fuck of a one shot comes from the idea of the cutie pie Abblesxx 💕💕💕


"If you don't get your ass out of the bathroom in the next minute, I'm going to blow up the bathroom with you in it!" Katsuki, you're older brother, yelled at you through the closed door as you visited back home for Halloween day, although the two of you have been invited back to the dorm for Mina's yearly party.

You just rolled your eyes at him and finished your makeup.

"I'm serious, you brat!"

"Mom! Katsuki is threatening to blow me up again!" You snickered, but Katsuki couldn't see you.

Wait, again? This isn't the first time?; You must be thinking. And yes, this happened before on several occasions. The first time it happened, Katsuki laughed at how scared you got, but who could blame you? You were seven.

"Katsuki! Leave your sister and our bathroom be or else you'll be sleeping with the bugs tonight!" Mitsuki threatened right back to her wild blonde haired almost-adult teenager.

Katsuki tsked as you cackled behind the door.

"You little shit..." He mumbled under his breath as he walked away. You could sense the scowl on his face and you only cackled louder.

"Oi! Stop that shit! You sound like a goddamn witch with that cackling."

"I'd rather be a witch than a bitch!" You yelled as you left the bathroom; meaning 'bitch' as a jab at your brothers Halloween costume.

"You wanna run that by me again?!" He asked in a demanding tone.

"I SAID I'd rather be a witch than-"

You didn't get to finish your sentence before Katsuki was chasing you down the hallway and out of the house, with you laughing the entire way.

"Katsuki, I want (y/n) back in one piece unscathed or your ass is grass!" Mitsuki shook her head before sitting back down at the dining room table next to her husband.

"Ah, they're only 19 and 18. Let them be young while they're still teens." Masaru told her as he smiled and read the newspaper.

"Yes, but...." Mitsuki tried to say, but ended up giggling at the thought and asking Masaru what he wants for dinner.


"So what do you think Eiji and Momo came as this year?" You turned to Katsuki and asked excitedly as you approached Mina's party.

"Don't know don't care." Your brother stuffed his hands into his costume's pants pockets.

"Hehe, of course you do KitKat!" You looped your arm around Katsuki's, in which he swatted your arm away.

He relentlessly let you loop your arm back around his. "I don't know. Maybe....a rock and a crayon."

"A crayon?! Momo?! Nahhhh." You laughed. When the two of you got to Mina's door, you rapped your knuckles against the material of the door.

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