💜Playful Mood - Kirishima

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I don't think y'all are prepared for the cuteness I stuffed into this one 😭


I got into my feelings this morning and oh my God it actually kinda had me missing my old life????? Not that I'll ever wish to have my old life back but still 😂


"Alright, Ichiko! Which one is the zebra?"

You were currently playing with your year old daughter in the living room. Your husband, Eijirou, was busy at work being a hero.

Ever since you and your husband decided to start a family a few months after your marriage, you've been ecstatic about having a kid in the house. Your parents both adore children, and so it only came natural to you that you would love kids as well.

When your parents found out you were expecting your first child, they offered to watch over her while you and your husband were at work. You thanked them and told them that you'd keep their offer in mind, but Eijirou wanted you to be a stay-at-home mom, and you agreed since you had no problem with it.

So, here you are. Devoting you day to raising and playing with your lovely daughter, who also has the same color as her dad's hair. Your German Shepherd, appropriately named Rocky, served as a pillow for your daughter if she decided to lay back. In fact, Ichiko picked out Rocky herself. You and Eijirou took your daughter to an adoption center, and she almost instantly locked eyes with him. When the carer took Rocky out of his cage, both you and your husband expected him to be a playful and very energetic dog (which he is, don't get me wrong), but when he came closer to Ichiko, he calmed down and waited for Ichiko to come to him. The sight melted your hearts, and so you signed the adoption papers and brought Rocky home that very day.

Anyways, after feeding both Rocky and Ichiko with their late afternoon snacks, the three of you were in the living room. You had five stuffed animals out in front of you: a dog, a monkey, a zebra, a shark, and a platypus.

"Which one is the zebra, baby girl?" You encouraged your daughter with a bright smile as she looked back at you with her wide (e/c) eyes and a goofy, gummy smile.

Ichiko giggled and clapped her hands together, which made you smile wider and clap back with her.

"Come on, baby, I know you can do it!"

Your little bit of encouragement was enough for her. She crawled over with her gummy smile and picked up the stuffed zebra toy and stuck it in your face. You took the stuffed toy from her and cheered her on as you opened up your arms wide for her to crawl into. She gladly climbed onto your lap and into your arms, in which you lifted her shirt and blew raspberries onto her stomach, causing her to giggle more loudly.

"What a good girl! You're mommy's smart girl!"

Ichiko continued to giggle as the front door opened, revealing your husband, who is coming home from a long day at work.

Upon seeing you and his daughter smiling and laughing like you are, he couldn't stop the spread of a smile of his own.

"How is my queen and my little princess doing?" He greeted, taking off all of his work gear and greeting Rocky before going over to you and sitting down.

He gently cupped your face in his hands and kissed you slowly before pulling away with a love struck smile.

"Hey, beautiful. How are you and Ichiko doing?"

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