🍋BakuBabe KatSexy - Bakugou

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I'm so so so sorry for those who requested something I am definitely working on your requests but I was rewatching the Uraraka vs Bakugou fight and it just reminded me of how HOT he is so have this super steamy Dom!Katsuki lemon 🤤
*cough* not to mention there's so many sexy af edits of him on insta like oh my 😍


Katsuki gives me breathing problems


(Btw y'all are just gonna replace mineta in this so it's still an even number 😘)


"Alright class, today we are going to go in the gym and have 1v1 battles. No quirks allowed." Mr. Aizawa said. "Out in the real world you can't depend on your quirks for everything. For instance, if you're in an enclosed space, using your quirks could be very destructive and could hurt not only others but yourself as well."

"Alright!" You cheered. "Mina! Team up?" You questioned your best friend.

"Yeah, of course (y/n)!" Mina cheered as she came up to you and you both high fived.

Once outside, the pairings got together and went off to there own spaces (You and Mina, Jirou and Yaoyorozu, Iida and Todoroki, Uraraka and Midoriya, Hagakure and Ojiro, Kaminari and Sero, Koda and Shoji, Sato and Aoyama, Tokoyami and Tsuyu, and Kirishima and Bakugou).

"You will be fighting up to 3 different people, and remember, no quirks." Aizawa said as he got out his sleeping bag from who knows where.

He never officially said to start, so the paired up teams just started swinging at each other.

While you were *ahem* distracted by Bakugou's and Kirishima's fight, Mina took the chance and swung at you, but you saw her fist coming towards your face in your peripheral and blocked in the nick of time.

"You have to stay sharp (y/n)!" Mina giggled.

"I could say the same to you!" You retorted as you went to kick at her leg, but she stepped out of the way and went to sweep your other leg out from under you. She, unfortunately, did manage to get you unbalanced, but thanks to your agility and quick thinking, you used your hands to spring yourself back onto your feet.

"You're acting like a cat right now (y/n)!" She said.

"I'll take that as a compliment!" You say back as you rush towards her and swing your leg up to her face, but she caught your leg and pushed you back. You were going to fall on your ass until you, yet again, used your hands to lunge yourself backwards with a back handspring, getting you back on your feet.

"How are you so agile?!"

"Thank Momma (l/n)..." You were about to say, until you saw both Kirishima and Bakugou take off their jackets. You dropped your jaw as Bakugou's amazing arm muscles flexed and contracted when he went back to fighting Kirishima. And Mina knew exactly how much you find Bakugou to be immensely attractive. Actually, saying you found him to be attractive would be an understatement. You've called him hot, sexy, a beautiful hunk of man meat... Sometimes you couldn't even form words because of how incredibly goddamn gorgeous this dude just is. The thin layer of sweat glistening on his skin definitely didn't help either.

You were distracted yet again, and so Mina, being the cunning person she can be sometimes, saw how you were distracted but your not so obvious crush, and swept you off of your feet. Anyone watching the fight could predict that you were going to lose, but you somehow managed to grab Mina on your descent down. You both fell on your asses on the ground, landing with an 'oof' escaping your lips.

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