🍋Let's Get Baked - Dabi

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So since I've been getting a lot of comments on my "All These Years" lemon, I got the sudden urge to do a Dabi lemon, and since it's officially HoHoCember (yes I just made that up), why not make this a festive lemon? So enjoy eating Christmas cookie edibles with our favorite blue fire wielding villain!


Dabi is a Todoroki and you can't convince me otherwise 😂


My mom put on Christmas music as I wrote this and I laughed my ass of the entire time


Quirk explanation: Levitation - By simply touching something, you can make anything float, from really light objects to really heavy objects, and by touching them again, they get their gravity back. The lighter it is though, the more it can stay in the air, and if a heavy object is in the air for too long, it can put physical strain on your body.


Now, here's the thing with you and Dabi: you have been with him through pretty much everything. For example, you didn't understand it at the time, but you supported his decision to become a villain. Likewise, he helped you through the dark time of when your parents died in that horrific car crash. He even offered to move in with you so you wouldn't be by yourself, since you're also a single child.

That's when you were teenagers tho. Now, being in your early twenties, you and Dabi decided to get an apartment of your own. It's nothing special, but it's enough to satisfy yours and Dabi's needs.

Dabi continues to be a villain, and you are in your last year of college. You do have a quick in which you can levitate things, but you always wanted to become a teacher for the deaf and blind. Dabi has always supported your decision too, and he admires the fact that you want to help others. You giggle everytime you think of it tho; with Dabi being a villain but supporting your want to become a teacher for the deaf and blind.

And yes, you may be in college to become a teacher for such challenged kids, and you may also eat edibles, but you make sure you're never high when you go to school and work around these kids. Only at home.

With that aside, you and Dabi were currently waiting for your weed cookies to get done cooking. You started making them a few hours ago when you just got done watching some random movie you two found. You got inspired to make them when you noticed Dabi was wearing his 'Let's get baked' Christmas sweater.

The entire time you two were making them, you and Dabi kept on getting the ingredients everywhere. You didn't mind though, as Dabi said he'll help you clean up after the cookies get done.

As you two made a mess everywhere, Dabi couldn't help but look lovingly at you when you giggled or laughed or smiled. He thought it was quite obvious how much he liked you, and you were practically the only person who got to see this more playful and laid-back side of him. He particularly liked when you smirked at him and said "Here, bake these." As you touched the baking sheet with the raw weed cookies on them and made the sheet float right in front of him. He returned your smirk as he held out his right hand just under the sheet. Thanks to your little joke, what would've taken several minutes took Dabi just a couple seconds to bake them.

After waiting for them to cool, you sat on the countertop as you nibbled on one of the cookies while Dabi leaned against the countertop facing opposite of you.

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