🍋Deja Vu - Bakugou

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So my brother was being loud as shit all day and my mom kept on yelling at me to do my chores so I was annoyed af practically all day today and I couldn't concentrate that well either which didn't help because this took 6 freaking hours to type out. Anyways I have school tomorrow someone kill me pls


"Katsuki!! D-Don't stop~! Please~~!" You begged him as he drilled you into the mattress. He smirked from above you, as your words boosted his ego because of how good he was making you feel.

"Am I making you feel good babygirl?" He teased. Proper words couldn't even be formed from your lips as they were quivering from the pleasure that surged through your body, so you stuck to nodding to answer him. You knew it only boosted his ego even further but hell, you couldn't care less, he was making you feel good so why not let him feel good too?

As your euphoric high washed over you, you reached up and tightly grabbed onto his ash blonde hair. Your eyes screwed shut and you threw your head back as you wordlessly cried out. And as Bakugou was reaching his own high, he was repeating your name like a mantra. "(Y/n)... (Y/n)... (Y/n)..."

"(Y/n)!!" Your boss called out your name as she shook your shoulder. You mumbled a couple of incoherent words before she shook your shoulder harder and you jolted awake. You stared at her with widened eyes and rosy cheeks.

"Are you okay, (y/n)?" She asked.

You continued to stare at her with a shocked look on your face before blinking rapidly and ruffling your hair. "Y-Yeah... Sorry... I-I just didn't get a-a lot of sleep last night..." You lied.

She raised an eyebrow at you and stared at you for a few seconds before sighing and placing a folder down on your desk in your office cubicle. "It's alright. Just try and stay focused for the rest of today okay?"

You watched her figure as she walked away. "Damn boyfriend and his damn gorgeousness..." You said under your breath.

"Oooh! You got in trouble!" Your coworker, Hikari, poked her purple haired head over the wall separating you two, half scaring you in the process.

"Jesus Hikari! You have to stop doing that! And besides I didn't get in trouble I just got.... Caught in a way...." You said as you shyly looked away.

Her golden brown eyes twinkled a mischievous glint as a shit eating grin spread on her face. "You were dreaming of that sexy boyfriend of yours weren't you?" She slyly said.

You narrowed your eyes and looked at her. "So what if I was? You can't tell me you never daydreamed about your bird of a husband, Hikari." You told her.

"Hey! Me and my relations with Fumikage has nothing to do with you and Katsuki! Speaking of which did he propose yet?!" Hikari excitedly asked.

"You say you and Fumikage has nothing to do with me but yet you ask about me and Katsuki? You make sense, Hikari..." You scoffed.

"Hikari! (Y/n)! Get back to work!" Your boss reprimanded you two.


By the time you got home from work that day, Bakugou was already sitting at the island; enjoying some ice cream, which was extremely unusual for Bakugou, considering he ate spicy foods for a living.

"Who are you and what did you do to my boyfriend?" You joked as you walked into the kitchen and placed your bag down.

He looked up from his phone with a scowl on his face. "Shut it woman. I had a shitty day today and I couldn't find anything spicy enough so I settled for this," He growled.

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