🍋I am NOT cute. - Bakugou

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Requested by the amazing Fidgets101💞


"Coming!" You called out to the person who was knocking -no,- pounding on your apartment door. "Jesus it sounds like you're trying to bust my door down..."

"The hell did you tell me?!" A gruff voice yelled once you opened the door. You stood there in shock for several seconds before bursting out into loud, obnoxious laughter.

"Oi! Don't laugh at me you little shit!" He growled.

Your laughter died down a bit, but once you saw the angry swishing of his tail, you burst out into more laughter. You only stopped laughing when you heard small popping sounds coming from his palms.

"You're right, I'm sorry I'm sorry. You just look so cute with your kitty ears!" You tried reaching up to touch them, but he forcibly grabbed your wrists before you could.

"Don't touch." He said with a tiny blush on his cheeks.

You pulled your wrists from his grasp and put them on your hips. "Okay, well besides your cat dilemma, what did you come here for?"

He looked down and away to avoid your gaze. "You're the only one I trust while I have this stupid thing so... Can I stay here until it goes away?" He whispered.

You cocked an eyebrow at him. "Huh?"

He looked up and narrowed his eyes at you. "Damnit woman don't make me repeat myself!"

You raised your hands in defense. "But I genuinely didn't hear you!"

He huffed and rolled his eyes. "I said let me stay."

You stared into his eyes confused for a few seconds before folding your arms. "Why?"

Bakugou flared his nostrils at you as he pushed past you and flopped down on your couch. "Cause I don't know when this shit is gonna past and I don't want to be alone..."

You turned to look at him before closing you apartment door and making your way to stand in front of him. "Fine. You can stay. But there are two rules. One: You sleep on the couch. Two: When I need to go out, you have to go with me. I'm not letting an explosive firecracker like you destroy my apartment,"

He opened his mouth to speak but you cut him off.

"In fact I actually have to go shopping for a friend's baby shower. So that means you have to come with me,"

He widened his eyes momentarily before standing up and getting close to your face. "I am not going out like this." He growled.

You looked down at his outfit before looking back up at his face. "Like what? You look fine. Let's go,"

You started to walk away, but he grabbed your arm and pulled you back to face him. "I am not going out looking like a fucking cat." He lowly growled through gritted teeth.

You smiled a sickeningly sweet smile at him as you patted his chest. "Well I'm not the one that turned myself into a cat. There for, it's not my problem,"

"Well you said if you go out then I have to go with you so technically, it is, Bakugou retorted back.

You dropped your smile and rolled your eyes. "I have an oversized hoodie you can borrow I guess,"

You pushed yourself away from him to go to your bedroom to fetch your hoodie and your wallet. You came back out with the items in hand. You toss the hoodie to Bakugou and stuff your wallet in your back pocket.

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