🍋With This Bite, You're Mine - Bakugou

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This is a Vampire!Katsuki x reader so y'all already know what that means 😜
This is so steamy omfg


I guess y'all can consider this a Quirkless AU


You were perfect in so many ways: you're beautiful, you're funny, you're talented, you're friendly, and everyone wishes they could be you, or at least be friends with you. But there was one aspect of you that is very flawed.

When someone presented you with a dare, you'd never back down. Never.

And so your downfall this time was a game of Truth or Dare gone to extremes. Mina, your best friend since like ever, is the only one who knows about your flaw of never backing down, and so of course she took this to her advantage.

"Do you know that abandoned mansion that's down that road nobody goes on anymore?" She asked with a smirk on her face.

You scoffed. "Yeah, what about it?"

There was a pause. "I dare you to go in there and stay in there until sunrise,"

You stared at her with a smirk of your own growing on your face. "Only until sunrise? That's so easy!"

"Y-You're not put off by all the g-ghost stories?" Midoriya asked you.

"Pfft. Who actually believes in ghosts?"

The way that Deku fidgeted with his hands gave away the fact that he believed in ghosts, but you decided not to bring attention to that.

"Alright. Is there any rules or is it just stay until sunrise?" You asked.

"You're allowed a flashlight... But... You can't leave, you must explore the entire mansion, and you keep your phone here, with us." Mina told you.

You started to laugh a little. "So if I fall and break my leg I won't even have my phone to call for help?"

"(Y/n)... Please... You're not that clumsy. Everybody knows that,"

You briefly looked at everybody that was in the room before heavily sighing and getting up. "Okay. I'll be on my way then. I'm guessing somebody will be outside the front door by sunrise to fetch me?"

"Yep! I'll be there!" Mina smiled.

"Nice to know someone trustworthy is picking me up." You joked.

Mina rolled her eyes at you and got up to get you a flashlight. Once she came back, you exchanged your phone for the flashlight.

"Sayonara bitches." You wave as you turn and make your way to the abandoned mansion.

As you make your way to the mansion and get closer and closer to approaching it, you can't help but have a feeling like something is watching you. You're a little put off by it, but you brush it aside as you didn't want the fact that the mansion is known for its ghost stories to get to you.

As you approached the big double doors leading inside, you scale the entire mansion with your eyes before sighing and clicking on the flashlight. "This is gonna be easy as a slice of cake." You told yourself. "Ooh, cake. I could go for that after this. Consider it a reward from myself to myself. Yeah... I like the sound of that..."

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