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Slamming my locker door shut in the girl's locker room, I sat on the wooden bench as I pulled on my white trainers, thinking about the day I had just had

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Slamming my locker door shut in the girl's locker room, I sat on the wooden bench as I pulled on my white trainers, thinking about the day I had just had.

From threatening Gale to leave my sister alone this morning to the girls asking me for gossip in the bathrooms, it had been exhausting.

I was ready to go home, but unfortunately, I had to go to Cheer practice. Now I was the cheer captain; the other girls looked at me to guide them, not that I would be of much guidance right now.

Casey was always better at me at that; she knew how to be bossy but helpful. I'm just a hateful person trapped in a teenager's body.

I wanted to quit now, but I knew Casey wouldn't want me to do that. She'd want me to take her spot and get those girls to work their asses off but also, she'd like me to put Tatum in her place and let her know who the boss is.

Casey would literately come back and kill me if I quit now because the place of head cheerleader would fall to Tatum, something that would make her ego bigger than it already is. Obviously, the girls had the same sentiments that I did, and that's why they chose me.

Standing up, I smoothed out my cheer uniform, looking up when one of the other cheerleaders, Brittany, walked in. "Hey Kat," she smiled happily, tightening her ponytail and adding a hair bow as I brushed my hair, looking in the small mirror on the wall.

"Hey, Britt," I greeted the blonde as she turned, grinning like she knew something I didn't.

"Did you hear how pissed Tatum was when you were made captain instead of her" I shook my head as Brittany held my leg as I stretched.

"No, was it good?" I asked with a grin as Brittany nodded, her hair bouncing, smiling widely, making me laugh at the devious look on her face.

Brittany and the other girls weren't big fans of Tatum since she started throwing her weight around like she was the best Cheerleader on the squad, and it only got worse when she started dating the head quarterback, Stu.

"Oh yeah, she tried everything to get it instead of you. She talked some real shit about you too," I blinked at her words, so Tate talked shit about me behind my back.

That wasn't going to fly with me.

I let my leg drop to the floor and put my hands on my hips. "Well then, maybe I need a little chat with Tatum, huh?". I clicked my tongue, ready to assert my dominance.

Brittany let out a laugh seeing the look I was giving her, I was friendly with most of the girls on the squad, and they all had seen how I am when people try to get one over me. They all knew I was pretty laid back unless you cross me.

Smirking at each other, we walked out of the locker room and to the field, my confidence in being voted over Tatum coursing through me. I smiled as the girls all greeted me. "Okay, girls, let's do some stretching."

As the girls as stretching, I walked around with my clipboard writing down notes about each girl. Before Casey... passed, she was choosing which girls were doing what for the routine at the next game, and I guess now that was my choice.

Seeing Stu walking out onto the field in his football gear, I gave him a wave. I glance over to see Tatum looking over at Stu rolling her eyes like she was annoyed at me for just waving at him.

"Something wrong, Tatum?" I call to her, finally sick of her shit as she gave me a bitch face. "You know, other than my being the cheer captain over you," I taunted with a grin tilting my head to the side.

The other girls stopped their stretches with wide eyes, knowing something was about to go down. If I was publicly calling Tatum out now, they knew it was bad.

Tatum laughed spitefully, obvious as ready for this fight as I was. "First I find out that you're getting captain over me, and now you're making eyes at my boyfriend," 

I give her a smirk. "You've really got to rein in that craziness if I can't even wave at my best friend without you thinking I'm doing him."

Tatum opened her mouth to retort, but I put my hand up to her. "First of all, I don't do teen drama, but we all know I can do both of those things better than you," I taunt as the girls all jeer in the background as they formed a circle around the two of us.

Suddenly Tatum throws herself at me, and we both tumble to the ground as the others start to scream and running away from the two of us, landing on the floor. "Stay away from what's mine, Bitch!" Tatum yelled at me, pulling my hair, and straddled me.

I grimaced, feeling her nails scrape into my skin. "Yours? You had to lie just to get him, T!" I laughed maniacally as she let out a banshee scream. I grabbed her hands and tried to keep her nails away from my already sore face. 

I didn't need her opening my wounds again.

Hearing her spew out more spiteful comments, I finally had enough. Pushing her over, I got on top of her and threw punches at her. I wasn't a pull on your hair and scratch at you type of girl. I was a fighter.

I could hear Tatum screaming, but I didn't care. She attacked me first, feeling arms grabbing my waist. I growled as someone picked me up from Tatum, who had blood running down her face, and I knew she'd be bruised.

Someone from the football team holds Tatum back when she jumped up, practically foaming at the mouth. "You crazy bitch!" she screamed as she fought against the arms that kept her still, everyone on the field was no involved in our bitch fight.

"You haven't even seen crazy yet!" I shouted back, pointing at her not fighting against the arms which held me, I knew who it was already, and I wouldn't hurt him to get to her.

"What the hell, Stu!" Tatum calls when she sees him holding me back. "Tell me nothing is going on between you two. Are you having sex with her?" Tatum demands, looking between Stu and me like she had all the answers.

"We're not having sex Tate, god," I answered her, but her eyes moved to Stu as he kept unusually quiet during the whole thing. I know he wouldn't stick up for her over me.

"You have a crush on her, don't you" She yelled to him as everyone went silent around us. It was like a soap opera.

 "No, I don't have a crush on her," Stu answered; his arms dropped from me when I stopped going for Tatum.

I looked up at Stu, who was looking at Tatum sympathetically when she suddenly stopped fighting in realization. "You're in love with her, aren't you?" she whispered; we all looked at Stu, shocked as he just looks at the floor. 

Tatum screams, frustrated, "You're welcome to each other," she breaths out, pushing past us as the other girls look at me, whispering to each other. I started to panic internally; this isn't what I wanted.

I look at Stu, whose eyes were on mine. "You need to go and smooth this over with her. You know how I feel about you, but it's not happening this way. I won't be like my mother," I tell him as he looks at me, shocked.

Turning to the girls who all give me comforting nods and pats on the back, I grimace. "I think practice is over for today; I'll post the spots on the bulletin tomorrow," I tell them picking up the clipboard off the floor, sighing heavily. 

"You totally won that fight, Kat," one of the girls called out, giggling as the other agreed with her.

"Yeah, everyone knows Stu's liked you since freshman year. So go get your man," Santana, my new right hand, told me as I looked at her confused I may have wanted a relationship with Stu, but not like this.

I didn't want people thinking I stole him from her when I had him first. My worst fear was slowly becoming my living nightmare. 

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