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Sitting with Randy, I saw Tatum come through the door with Sid in tow

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Sitting with Randy, I saw Tatum come through the door with Sid in tow. "Sid," I shouted, walking up to her Sid threw her arms around me.

"Where have you been?" she asked hurriedly. Almost scolding as she looked me over.

I shrugged impassively. "I took a walk."

Sid's eyes softened; she also knew that talking a walk meant stopping by the local cemetery where our mother lay 6 feet under.

My sister pulled back and looked me up and down with a smile on her face. "Wow, you look great" I felt happy at my sister's compliment; I knew my outfit was beautiful, but it was always nice to get affirmation from my literal other half.

I smiled, looking at what she was wearing. Sid was always predictably plain, "and you look... like you, but that's okay because I like it" Sid smiled at me brightly as I said that it had been a long time since I'd complimented her.

Truthfully or not.

"Have you been drinking, Kat?" Sid joked as we stood talking to each other more amicably than we have since our mom died. We got along fine, but I was a lot colder, and she was more emotional than before last year.

Grinning, I pulled her into the kitchen where Stu is funneling beer into the mouth of an already drunk Garrett as Tatum scoffs, sitting on the counter with her legs crossed. "Oh, that's mature."

Stu turns to her and shrugs. "Your tardy for the party, so we started without you."

Tatum looks pissed that everyone had gotten here before her and was already having a great time. "I see you managed to set up again, Kat," she sniffed, turning her nose up at me.

I just ignored her. I was the party queen. Not her.

"Oh, my man," Stu bro-hugged with Garrett when he finished his chug swaying as he stood tall, knocking me over into Stu, who caught me with a laugh.

Seeing me in Stu's arms, Garrett cheered, "Head cheerleader, nice one, Macher!" moving out of Stu's arms, who was still laughing at his drunken team member, I rolled my eyes as Tatum let out a small hiss behind me.

Pouring myself a drink, I playfully pushed Garrett, who stumbled out of the kitchen along with Tatum, who forcefully pulled Stu into a kiss before turning around, strutting away with narrowed eyes as my sister following behind like a little lamb.

"I think I'm gonna go home," I announced as Stu's head shot up, worried as he grabbed my arms to keep me from leaving.

"What why? You can't go," I sighed, standing closer to him, and it took all of my strength not to kiss him stupid right now, but with Tatum in the next room, I knew it was dangerous.

"I can't be here knowing what we did, what we are, and not killing her for that," I muttered offhandedly with a sigh as my head spun.

I wasn't actually going to kill her. She didn't even know anything had happened between us, so I couldn't be mad, but I couldn't stay here and watch her drape herself all over Stu, knowing how I now felt about him.

Stu put his arms around my shoulders and tucked me under his chin. "Don't worry, she won't be a problem soon," moving my head back. I raised an eyebrow at his vague response.

"I'm going to tell her I don't want to be with her, and she'll leave," he explained to me, seeing my expression.

I nodded slowly, wondering if that's how it'll really go down; Sooner or later, she'll find out about us, especially if she sees us together at school "is that before or after she tries to maim me?" I laughed, placing my arms around his waist.

Stu glanced around and leaned down to kiss me softly before patting me on the butt and walking off, becoming the fun host once more.

Seeing Tatum cuddle up to Stu while schmoozing with the others like some perfect girlfriend had me boiling, I knew Stu had to go along with it, but I could help but feel annoyed.

I sighed and took a shot of tequila before grabbing myself another beer from the fridge. Before walking into the living room, I saw Sid and Tatum sat on one sofa with Stu, who was ignoring whatever Tatum was talking about.

His face changed as he watched me sit on the two-seater drinking my beer while Johnny, a guy from school, was trying to flirt with me, which mostly consisted of me ignoring his stupid pick up lines.

I gave Stu a subtle wink as Tatum struggled to get his attention. "Stu. Stu!" he turned to her, but she just huffed and turned to talk to my sister. I laughed, making him look at me with a shit-eating grin.

Randy stood up with videos in his hands and addressed the room, "How many Evil Dead? One? Two?" Randy was counting who wanted what film "How many Hellraiser?" I raised my hand along with Stu and a couple of others.

"Hellraiser right here," Stu called out as I laughed at how childish he sounded.

Sidney picked up the rest of the films "The Fog, Terror Train, Prom Night. How come Jamie Lee Curtis is in all of these movies?".

Randy shook his head in disappointment at my sister's lack of horror knowledge. "Tits," I told her with a smirk as Stu leaned forward to high-five me causing Tatum to scoff and hit him.

"She's the Scream, Queen!" Randy exclaimed as if it was common knowledge

"With a set of lungs like that, she should be," Stu shouted allowed making Tatum huff, annoyed.

"Tits, see?" she said, half-smiling at me, but I couldn't smile back, knowing soon she'd have her heartbroken because of me.

The doorbell rang out along with a small banging noise bringing me out of my guilty thoughts, "Hey Kat, can you get that?" Stu asked softly while subtlety motioning in Tatum's direction

Nodding, I realized he was going to talk to Tatum, "sure."

Getting up off my seat, I passed my beer to Randy, who was trying and failing to sweet talk my sister, who looked like she was bored out of her mind but also looking for someone.

I'm guessing she's waiting for Billy to turn up. She knows if Stu and I plan a party, Billy isn't far behind us, but even I wasn't sure if he would come back tonight.

Opening the door, I came face to face with Dewey and fucking Gale Weathers, whose smile had dropped off her face seeing me, and she took a subtle step behind Dewey. "What the fuck are you doing here?" I shouted angrily, stepping back as Dewey and Gale walked in like they owned the place.

"Hey, you're that chick from top story," Stu exclaimed, suddenly standing next to me with an arm around my shoulder like he was trying to keep me reined in, my punching Gale had made the rounds, but there was little evidence to back it up.

I glanced around but failed to see Tatum. I thought she would have kicked up some drama after Stu told her that he was splitting up with her, but by the look of it, either he hasn't told her, or she's the bigger person.

"Your underage son.." Dewey said, taking a beer of Garrett before laughing and giving it back ".. I'm kidding, have a good time," he joked around like he was trying to be cool, but it came off desperate.

Gale moved around the room, talking to people and smiling as they fawned over her like she was a significant celebrity. "Dewey?" I called, beckoning him over to the corner, pissed that he brought Gale here.

"What is she doin' here?" I fumed, pointing to the she-devil who was laughing it up with my friends

"She's with me," He told me excitedly, and I couldn't help but notice he was blushing. "I'm just checking things out."

"So, you did. Now leave and take your media mouth with you," I told him gently. I couldn't handle being around Gale even if Dewey had a crush on her, the older Riley sibling was like a big brother to Sidney and me, but it was all a bit too much right now.

Knowing that Tatum was here somewhere, probably broken, I wanted to rush Dewey out of the house, especially when I noticed him looking around confused.

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