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I sighed, throwing myself into my bed and shoving a pillow over my eyes

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I sighed, throwing myself into my bed and shoving a pillow over my eyes. I've never felt so stressed; even when my mom had died, I wasn't this funked out.

I'm not saying that she deserved to be taken away so brutally, but it didn't surprise me when it happened. She made a lot of enemies in her time.

So much had happened in the past couple of days I couldn't even keep up with it anymore, and I had no one to turn to. My best friend was gone, and it was like everyone had forgotten already.

Randy was going fanboy crazy over these new murders, Billy was arrested, and now everyone was wary of him potentially being a serial killer, and my friendship with Stu had changed even though he promised me it wouldn't.

Tatum looked like she wanted to cut my throat at all times, not that she never did before, but now with me being cheer captain and with everyone spreading rumors about Stu and me, it wasn't difficult to understand why the blonde would hate me.

Out of all that mess, the one thing that stood out to me was my dad; he was nowhere to be seen; surely he would have called us by now, especially Sidney; those two were so close.

Thinking about what Stu and Randy had said in the video store about my dad made me frown. I knew my dad would never do anything to hurt Sid and me, even if he had gone 'crazy' after my mom's murder. It just didn't make any sense.

Pulling up a corner of my pillow, I glanced at the clock and saw the time there was 2 hours before Stu's party, and there was no doubt in my mind that he would need my help, so I put my metaphorical 'mask' back on to get myself ready.

From a young age, Roman taught me that the human face is nothing more than a mask; people only see what we show them and to hide our weaknesses, so they can't be exploited for other people's gains. 

Now I was older, I knew precisely what he was trying to tell me.

I saw it in Casey too, people thought of her as the typical blonde popular cheerleader, but I knew different. She wore her mask to get people to love her, while I wore mine to keep people at a distance.

Sitting in my black lacy bra set at my vanity table, I gazed into the mirror, finishing up on my makeup, when I noticed someone climbing through my window. I let out a scream, as did the intruder.

"Stu!" I shouted angrily as he began to apologize profusely before freezing and staring at me. I followed his eyes down before realizing I was still only in my underwear and threw a pillow at him. "Oh my god, Stuart!".

Opening my bedroom door, I grabbed him by the shirt and pushed him out into the hall. "Wait there," I ordered, feeling my face burning up. My best friend had just seen me in next to nothing, wait, the guy I liked had just seen me in next to nothing.

Walking into my closet, I quickly chose an outfit for the party as my heart thumped fast against my ribs, but I didn't feel embarrassed as I remembered the look on Stu's face and the way he couldn't take his eyes off me.

Giving one final glance in the mirror at my outfit, a plaid red pants, black shirt, black boots, and my leather jacket, I took a deep breath as I walked over to my door where I could hear Stu muttering to himself, "Stupid, stupid."

Opening the door, I could see him pacing up and down the hall with a weird look on his face. I coughed to get his attention. "Do I look okay?" I questioned as Stu stopped pacing to look at me.

His face brightened as he eyed me. "You look great," I grinned at him, but he still looked a bit troubled. "Kat about that.." he pointed to my room as I shook my head, laughing.

 "Don't worry about it" he looked happier and pulled me into a tight hug.

Staying in his arms, I pulled back a little as I frowned at him, "What are you doing here anyway? The party doesn't start for another.." I looked back in my room and read my clock "hour."

Stu scratched his head, looking sheepish "Well, I was thinking..." I smirked, letting out a laugh. 

"Ooo, that's dangerous," I joked as he pinched my sides. 

"cheeky," he smiled, showing me his dimples that I very nearly swooned over.

"I was thinking since Sidney is staying at Tate's, I didn't want you here after the party alone," He told me with a soft smile that I mirrored. "So I think you should stay with me cause we both know what you're like when drinking."

I laughed, remembering all the times Stu and I were found sleeping in weird places at his parties. The bathtub was our resting place at the last get together. Drinking always brought out my inner jokester.

Putting my hands on his chest, I gave him a soft push with a shocked gasp; it was always him making me do stupid things that got us both into trouble. "Fine, I'll stay. Thanks".

Going back into my room, I got my overnight bag out from under the bed, careful not to mess up my outfit. Stu made himself comfortable on my bed as I moved around the room, collecting all the things I'd need.

Knowing us, we'd be hungover tomorrow and watch movies all day, so I'd probably stay from more than one night, not that I minded with a literal serial killer on the loose out there.

I turned and put a few things I'd need in a bag when I heard Stu walking behind me. "So uh, I kinda need your help setting up the party too," he asked quietly. I turned with a raised eyebrow.

"You haven't even set anything out yet?" Stu shook his head, looking like a scolded child, "Stu!" I called out, "Why is it every time you decide to have a party, I'm always the one setting it up and getting the beer?" I questioned, crossing my arms, trying not to smile.

Stu grinned at me as he wrapped his arms around me again but leaving enough room between up to look a me "because you're the best?" my eyebrow didn't lower as he peeked at me. "Aw, come on, they're practically your parties at my place. Everyone knows that, Kat".

Rolling my eyes, I hand Stu my overnight bag with a smirk. "You're lucky you're pretty, Macher," I told him sarcastically as I walked away, leaving him to catch up with me.

"But I'm the prettiest guy you've met, right?" I looked at Stu and bit my lip when he started to flutter his eyelashes at me

"Hmm," I pretended to think as I locked the door behind me. "It's debatable." 

Stu gasped dramatically before throwing me over his shoulder and walking over to his car "me. man. me. take. woman!" he grunted like a caveman leaving me laughing hysterically.


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