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Dewey, Tatum, and Sidney walked down an almost empty street

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Dewey, Tatum, and Sidney walked down an almost empty street. The townspeople were leaving to get home in fear of a serial killer in their small town.

"Sure is quiet. God, look at this place. It's the town of the Dreaded Sun Down," Sidney mutters quietly, looking at the empty streets as a few people closed up their stores.

"Yeah, I saw that movie. It was about a killer in Texas, huh?" Dewey says, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly with a grimace.

"Hey Sid, just think if they make a movie about you? Who's gonna play you?" Tatum bounced excitedly, thinking about who would play who in the film of their lives. 

Sidney half-smiled, glad her friend was trying to take her mind off of things in her own unique way. "I shudder to think".

Dewey smiled at Sidney softly, brotherly. "I see you as a young Meg Ryan myself."

Sidney laughed at Dewey, her eye crinkling from the real laugh she let out. "Thanks, Dewey; with my luck, I'd get Tori Spelling."

Tatum looking at her friend with a pout. "I hope they get someone pretty to play me," The blonde girl said aloud, flipping her hair as Sidney began thinking more about the topic now. Tatum had a way of making her interested in topics she rarely took part in.

"God knows who they'd get to play, Kat," Sidney shook her, thinking about her younger wild twin "they'd probably be best letting her do it herself. We all know there's only one Katherine Prescott," Sidney breathed with a fond smile.

The three of them laughed at that, even Tatum, who, when she pushed aside her pride for one moment, could admit there was only one Kat, thank god.

If there was anything Tatum could agree with, Katherine Prescott was an enigma, one that anyone would be stupid enough to pick a fight with. Her own bruises were proof of that.

"I'm just gonna be a few minutes. You girls don't go far," Dewey shouted behind them, with Tatum waving him off as she and Sidney gossiped about things only teenage girls would care about, something that wouldn't really matter in later life.

Tatum and Sidney walked into the convenience store, grabbing a cart to fill with junk food for Stu's party. "Hey Clive," Sidney greeted as the older man turned with a kind smile.

"Sidney! How are you?" He asked gently, looking at her as if she would break at any second, different from how he looked at her sister, everyone knew Kat was the stronger one.

"I'm okay. Have you seen Kat?" she replied as Clive chewed on his toothpick.

"Can't say I have. You know Kat, if she doesn't want to be found, she won't be," The older man answered, turning away and getting back to work as Sidney sighed heavily.

"That's what I'm afraid of."

Tatum grabbed Sidney's arm and pulled her down the first aisle throwing chips and dip into the cart, humming to herself as she practically danced around the store, unlike Sidney, who pushed the cart looking like the plain Jane best friend.

That's just who they were. Tatum was the bright one who was popular with most people, and Sidney had become the sad wallflower since her mother's murder. At least Kat hadn't been totally affected; she just got angrier.

"Is Billy gonna be there tonight?" Sidney questioned her blonde friend quietly, trying to act blasé, but Tatum just gave her a knowing look

"He'd better not. I told Stu to keep his mouth shut. I think we can live without the endorphin rush for one night".

Sidney just pushed the cart, lost in thought as Tatum threw different foods in. "Billy's right. Whenever he touches me, I can't relax," she sighed, wishing she could just be more comfortable in her own skin, be more like Kat and Tatum.

"So you have a few intimacy issues as a result of your mother's untimely death. That's no big deal, Sid. You'll thaw out," Tatum tried to comfort, albeit a little air-headed, as Sidney opened the freezer, looking annoyed with herself.

"Yeah, but he has been so patient with all the sex stuff. How many guys would put up with a girl that's sexually anorexic?" Sidney groaned, grabbing a tub of strawberry ice cream from the freezer and closes the glass door.

Tatum rolled her eyes, trying not to get pissed off at the handsome bad boy "Billy and his penis don't deserve you. Alright?" As they walk off, a reflection of the killer is seen in the glass door, walking past aisles...


Dewey walked up to Sheriff Burke, who stood stoically in front of the station looking like a ticking time bomb "Dewey, where the hell have you been?"

Dewey looks down at his eye cream cone guiltily. "I was keeping an eye on Sidney uh--. "

Dewey sees that the Sheriff is smoking. "Thought you quit?" he said with a small smile. He had a great relationship with his Superior and knew his boss was trying to quit for his wife, who had been nagging him about it for years.

"I did but damn it, Dewey, Vital Phone just faxed us. Those phone calls are listed to Neal Prescott, Sidney, and Katherine's father. He made those calls with the cellular phone. It's been confirmed," The Sheriff admitted as Dewey's eyes widened considerably.

He sighed heavily. How could he tell Sidney and Kat that their own father was behind their threatening phone calls? "There's no way a cellular could be cloned?" he asked, scratching the back of his head nervously, trying to think of an explanation.

He knew Neil Prescott and how much he loved his girls, so the thought of him threatening them and murdered other teens in the area was a bit too far-fetched for Dewey, but then again, he also knew how grief could affect people.

"There's more, guess what tomorrow is..." When he didn't answer, the Sheriff sighed and continued, "The anniversary of his wife's death" Dewey nodded quickly, remembering last year and how hard it was for the two young girls he cared for.

"We'll keep the roadblocks and curfew in effect through the night. If he's not picked up by morning, we'll do a house-to-house. Where's Sidney and Kat?" Sheriff Burke questioned, puffing on his cigarette deeply, obviously needing the nicotine stress relief right now.

"I'm not sure about Kat; the girls said she left without them and haven't seen her since, but I don't think it's anything to worry about, and Sidney is with my sister at the store. Do you want me to bring her in?" Dewey asked, licking the ice cream he had bought before going back to the station.

The Sheriff shook his head, taking more drags off his cigarette. "Naw. Not just yet. Let's find Neil first, make sure he's our man," The Sheriff ordered, thinking deeply. He knew he had to put a stop to all these murders and now.

"I'll put some men out and see if they can round up Katherine. God knows how many times she managed to give us the slip over the years" The Sheriff sighed as Dewey tried to keep the smirk off his face,

Katherine wasn't one to go down easy, and her lack of respect for authority figures astounded him at times.

"You stay close to the Sidney, don't let her out of your sight, and if you find Katherine make sure she doesn't run off again. If Neil is a suspect, we don't need him going anywhere near the girls until we clear him".

Dewey nodded at the Sheriff, watching as he threw away his cigarette and walking back into the station.

"Yes, Sir" Dewey looked out into the empty streets and felt torn. Would Neil really do this? Could it be because of the anniversary of his wife's murder, making him go insane? He sincerely hoped not. 

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