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Stu looked over to see Kat getting up to answer the door before pulling Tatum up and into the Kitchen

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Stu looked over to see Kat getting up to answer the door before pulling Tatum up and into the Kitchen. He knew he had to get rid of her now and quickly before Kat gets suspicious.

Sure he wasn't exactly telling the truth to Kat, but she'd never find out that her wanting to be with him meant that Tatum was added to the list of victims, not that she was safe from it before.

"Stu, what are you doing" Tatum droned in his ear; he rolled his eyes, thinking how her voice was like nails on a chalkboard instead of that sweet moaning he'd been pulling from Kat a few hours earlier.

Smiling at his soon to be ex-girlfriend, he shrugged. "I'm getting us a beer," he told her and pulled open the fridge to reveal a refrigerator full of beer. He quickly closed the door before she could see.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Stu heard Kat shout and knew it was the perfect opportunity.

"Babe, will you go down and get us a beer while I go see what's wrong out there," He asked in his nicest voice to the blonde girl.

Tatum rolled her eyes, scoffing, "what am I, the beer wench."

He laughed before putting on his puppy eyes as she just flipped him off and walked away into the garage "Goodbye, Tatum," He said, grinning, knowing Billy would have been watching and now waiting for her.

Locking the door to the garage, he quickly turned the music up louder as he turned back to the party, ready to claim Kat as his girlfriend and to forget about Tatum Riley; she had tricked him about Kat's feelings after all, and now he was just repaying her.


Tatum walks into the cold garage wishing that Kat hadn't caused a scene, so she didn't have to come down into the creepy garage to get the beer, but here she was in the freezing cold grabbing a beer for her boyfriend while he goes and checks on the one girl she's actually threatened by.

Stu had told her that she was the one he wanted to be with and not Kat, but lately, he hasn't been present in their relationship. If she was honest with herself, she's always known about the torch he's carried from the younger Prescott twin, but she'd hoped he would drop it.

Any time Stu would talk about Kat, which was a lot, Tatum couldn't help but feel jealous; even as friends, Kat was his entire world, and she knew Sidney felt the same way she did. She couldn't understand why Billy was so protective of Kat.

But that was just them, the three musketeers, they had been the best of friends since the first day of high school, and nothing had changed. They'd never argued; whenever one was in trouble, they were all in trouble.

They had each other's backs no matter what.

This is why Tatum wasn't surprised when both Stu and Kat fought so hard for Billy's innocence. She didn't think Billy had killed anyone, but he was bad news, and Tatum was determined to keep him away from Sid.

Sighing heavily, she starts to get beer from the fridge when a shovel and other garden tools fall over, and a cat runs away. She jumps, putting a hand on her chest, laughing when she sees there's nothing to be afraid of.

"Jesus! Tatum, it's okay," She tells herself with a sigh of relief as she walks to the door only to discover the door is locked. "Shit," she whispers, trying to get the door open and juggle the beer bottles at the same time.

"Hey Shitheads!" she shouts to her friends in the house, but the music is too loud for anyone to hear her. "Is this some kind of prank?" she calls out again, wondering who would lock her out here.

"When I get back in there, I'm totally setting Kat on you guys," Tatum threatens lightly, knowing the brunette wouldn't do that for her, but people seemed to listen to the Prescott twin in fear of being ruined.

Having taken on Kat herself, she knew the other girl's threats could definitely be backed up. The yellow bruises underneath her makeup were evidence left behind that you shouldn't mess with Katherine Prescott no matter what.

Tatum tries to turn the lights on, but they don't work, so she flicks the other switch, and the garage door opens "yes," she cheered to herself, moving forward to walk up to the garage door but stops.

When it starts to close turning, she sees the costumed ghost face standing behind her silently. How had he gotten there so quietly?

"Hello? Shit, Piss. Is that you, Randy?" The Ghostface shakes his head no as Tatum laughs, walking up to the Ghostface confidently. "Cute, what movie is this from? I spit on your garage?" the mask just stares at her.

"Lose the costume. If Sidney sees it, she'll flip, and Kat won't be too happy either" The killer shakes his head again" Oh, you wanna play psycho killer?" Tatum mocks as the silent killer nods his head, "Can I be the helpless victim?" The killer shakes his head affirmative once again.

"Okay, let's see, On no Mr. Ghostface don't kill me I want to be in the sequel. Cut Casper, that's a wrap" Tatum tries to push past whoever was in the costume only to have them grab her arm tightly.

"Randy, what the hell are you doing?" Tatum asks, starting to struggle against the tight grip; she never knew Randy could be so strong. The Ghostface pulls out a very real looking knife.

Bringing it down onto her arm, he drags it across her skin, cutting it. "Ahhh! Stop!" Tatum grabs her arm as the red liquid pours out of before she freezes and looks at the killer scared, it's really him.

Determined not to be the Woodsboro's serial killer's next victim, Tatum walks backward only to fall down onto a chair. The killer runs at her as she gets up and darts past the fridge.

Thinking quick, she opens the small freezer door, which slams into its face. Dazed, the killer falls to the ground letting Tatum runs away, picking up some beer bottles, and throws them at the killer. "Fucker!".

Trying to make her escape, Tatum runs over to the doggy door and tries to get through. Surely she would be able to get through that small door; she hadn't eaten any carbs in months.

The killer calmly walks over to the door and flicks the switch, which opens the garage door, and Tatum is lifted into the air like she weighed nothing at all. Letting out a shocked gasp, she tried to get back out of the doggy door before realizing she was stuck.

Not able to push herself through or pull herself out, she looks up and screams, terrified when she realizes what's about to happen, shuffling about; she tries desperately to free herself but to no luck.

"Ahhh! No! No!" Tatum shrieks out in one final attempt to save herself before her neck is squashed between the ceiling and the door. The motor of the garage door sparks and shorts out as Tatum Riley is being strangled to death.

The garage door finally stops shuddering as she dangles lifelessly. The killer looks at her casually before he opens the now unlocked door and enters the house, ready to find their next victim, and in a place full of drunken teens, they won't have to look very far.

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