Comfort (Shinsou Hitoshi x Reader)

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A/N: Yay, more Shinsou!!!\(^o^)/ This was a request from Kuroo-Tetsubro. Enjoy!<3 I do not own My Hero Academia, any of its characters, or the picture.

The call came on an entirely normal day, you and he cuddled up on the couch watching a movie after a long day of work. Your legs were stretched across his lap, your fingers carding through his wild purple locks. There was a gentle smile on your face as Shinsou leaned into your touch, his usual scowl lifting.

It's strange how such peaceful, perfect happiness can shatter in the blink of an eye.

The phone rang and you got up to answer it.

"Hi, Mom! What's going on?" Shinsou heard you say cheerfully. And then something changed. He sensed it in you immediately. You froze, shoulders tensed and trembling. A second later the phone fell from fingers gone numb, hitting the floor with a clatter. Your body followed it, knees giving out, and Shinsou dove to catch you. His arms wrapped around you just before you hit the floor, drawing you against his chest protectively as a large hand stroked your head, attempting to comfort you when he had no idea what was wrong.

The phone crackled where it had fallen, the faint sound of your mother's concerned voice drawing his attention. Keeping one arm around you, he reached for the device. Holding it to his ear, his narrowed eyes remained fixed on you as he spoke. "Hello? Mrs. (l/n)? This is Hitoshi."

The older woman sniffled through the phone, her voice raw as she made an attempt at pleasantries. "Ah, Hitoshi. It's good to talk to you. How have you been?"

"Fine, up until a moment ago. What's going on?" His grip on you tightened as he felt his shoulder dampen, your form shaking as you buried your face into the fabric of his shirt, hands clutching at him desperately.

"It's-" she broke off into a sob and Shinsou's expression turned grim as he waited patiently for her to compose herself. "It's (y/n)'s father. He had a heart attack this morning." Shinsou felt his heart drop. "He's-" She took a shaky breath as if gathering the courage to say the words. "He's gone."

"I see," was all he said, his grip on the phone tightening. "I'm sorry to hear that." He truly was. When you first introduced him to your parents, your father had been the first to welcome him with a warm smile and pat on the back. The man had practically been a second father to him, so to hear that he had passed away and so suddenly was...saddening, to say the least. "You have my greatest condolences, ma'am."

"Thank you, Hitoshi. Take care of (y/n), okay? Things are still being sorted out right now so I don't know when the funeral will be held, but I thought it best to call as soon as possible. (Y/n)'s probably going to want to come home."

"I understand. I'll talk to her as soon as I get off the phone with you."

"Well then, I'll let you go. Take care, Hitoshi."

Ending the call, Shinsou placed the phone back on its charger and focused his undivided attention on you, weak with grief in his arms. "(Y/n)..." he began, tone gentle.

"I-I knew he was having some health problems, but I-I didn't think it was that bad. I didn't think he would-" Your sobs broke free, muffled against his chest as he held you close, rubbing comforting circles into your back. The cries that filled your shared home broke his heart, so sorrowful and frail. He wished he had the words to make everything right, to comfort you and make you feel better, but all he could do was hold you and hope that the warmth and safety of his arms provided at least some relief.

Nearly an hour passed before you tried to speak again, your sobs quieting into wet hiccups. "I didn't even get to say goodbye, Hitoshi. He must think I'm a horrible daughter."

"Shh..." he hushed you, leaning down to press a lingering kiss to your head. "I'm sure he doesn't think that at all. I know how proud he was of you. There's no way he could blame you for not being there to say goodbye. How could you have known this would happen?" Tucking your head beneath his chin, Shinsou continued to rub your back as you pressed your ear to his chest, listening to the soothing, rhythmic sound of his heartbeat.

The wheels in his head spun for the next few moments as he desperately tried to think of something to comfort you. What could he say that wouldn't make you feel worse or make him appear insensitive?

His tired purple eyes widened just the slightest as an idea came to him. What if...?

Wetting his dry lips, Shinsou prayed that this would work. "Do you remember the first time I came over to your house and met your parents? We were still in U.A. at the time."

"M-Mhm. You were a nervous wreck," you chuckled weakly.

"I was not!" Shinsou grumbled.

"You weren't? Then why were your palms so sweaty when you held my hand?" you teased, a fraction of your normal personality resurfacing from the depths of loss.

"There's no way you could remember that!" he retorted, blushing.

"You underestimate me." Shinsou could have sworn there was a devilish gleam in your red, teary eyes as you peered up at him.

"Anyway!" he continued abruptly. "Your dad made me feel accepted, as if he had known me for years. Even more so, to find out that he approved of me was...surprising."

You looked up at him, eyes watery yet curious. "Surprising? Why?"

"Why? Well, I'm not exactly a father's first choice for his daughter," Shinsou chuckled wryly. "My face gives the impression that I have a bad attitude, I'm grumpy a lot of the time, I'm-"

"Sweet and perfect inside and out?" you supplied, tone firm. "Hitoshi, my father isn't...wasn't the kind of person to judge based on outward appearances. He could tell how much you care about me and I'm certain he saw how..." you took a steadying breath, "how warm and wonderful you truly are." Tears fell down your face once more, though not as violently as they had before. "Thank you, Hitoshi."

"For what? All I did was make you cry more," he said, purple brows furrowing. He really did suck at this whole empathy thing.

You shook your head. "You made me remember something good about my father. Of course I'm still sad, but I'm just a little less sad than I was before and that makes all the difference in the world. I love you, Hitoshi. Thank you for being here."

Shinsou felt his heart swell with love for you, his grip tightening on you just the slightest. Leaning down, he kissed your forehead, the contact long and warm. "You're welcome, (y/n)," he said, his voice a deep baritone. "I love you, too. I promised I'd stay by your side no matter what when I married you, didn't I?" He sighed in relief when he felt you relax against him, calming down. "Do you want to go home to your mother?" he asked, understanding.

You only nodded, sore eyes closed.

"Then I'll take you home, and I'll be there for you every second."

A/N: New Year's resolution? To post more often. Next is Monoma.

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