Chapter 10 shoulders

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Jaehyun woke up in the morning feeling too warm. He pulled the covers to the side but then he remembered what happened last night. He opened his eyes properly to look around. It was brighter but the curtains were blocking most of the light coming from the windows.

Taeyong was still there. They were on the same position as he remembered before he fell asleep, except he had his hands also wrapped around the small boy. He looked at the sleeping boy who breathed quietly. He didn't want to wake him up but he knew that if the other woke up like this, he'd freak out.

He felt happy somehow. The idea of waking up and seeing Taeyong as the first thing in the morning made his heart flutter. He mentally hit himself and turned the corners of his lips in neutral expression. Why did he feel so happy? There was nothing to be happy about.

Before the other would wake up, Jaehyun decided to make use for this rare situation. He searched his phone from the floor with his free hand and turned it on. He took a few selfies which had him smiling and the sleeping boy's head on his chest. Suddenly, he felt the other boy moving a bit. That was not a good sign. He threw the phone away quickly.

What was he doing here? Why was he in the same bed with Jaehyun? Taeyong opened his eyes and never had he expected to see that kind of view. He suddenly removed his hands from being around Jaehyun and pushed himself as far as he could.

"Why the hell are you here?" He saw that Jaehyun was awake too when their eyes met. He sat up and then realised where he was. Instead of his own bed, he was on the floor where Jaehyun was supposed to sleep.

"I should be the one asking that question. You were the one that came to sleep here, I did nothing." Jaehyun tried make an innocent look but as he sat up too a small grin appeared on his lips. Taeyong just stared at him in confusion. He had no memory of something like that. He could only remember that he fell asleep in his own bed.

"But I don't remember-"

"That I figured. I heard you walking around in the room at night. Did you know that you sleepwalk?" Taeyong shook his head. The other smiled a bit. He couldn't believe he actually did that. How did he get in Jaehyun's arms? He walked there unconsciously? "And if you're wondering, you were the one that got us in that position we just were."

Taeyong felt himself blushing from embarrassment and he looked away. Suddenly, he heard a phone ringing and it wasn't his. He looked again at Jaehyun but the other was now looking at his phone. His expression had turned into serious as he just stared at it without answering. Then he finally answered it.

"Why are you calling me?" His voice was so cold. He was like different person. Taeyong didn't know if he should stay there to listen or not.

"Why should I?...Don't wait for me, I won't be there." He ended the call just as fast as it started. For while he just stared at nothing and thinking but then looked up. Taeyong stood up from the floor as he did so. "It's 9AM."

"What? You're telling this to me now? I should be in class already!" Taeyong started pacing around the room gathering his things for school. He never overslept so he didn't need to use an alarm but he didn't know why had now slept this late. Jaehyun just quietly observed him as he tried to put his hair in place and then opened the closet to find something to wear. Then he turned around to face Jaehyun. "You have school too."

"Nah I'll skip."


"Because I can...I'll pass all the courses anyway." He mumbled that last sentence and Taeyong didn't hear it. He had rushed to the door already. "By the way, why did you cry last night? You now what I mean."

"I didn't!"

"You did. Twice. I understand the first time but the second time...after I kissed you?" Taeyong only glanced at him one time before exiting the room. Jaehyun snorted in disbelief. So rude of him to ignore his question like that.


Next time Taeyong saw him was on Friday. He had, actually, would have avoided Jaehyun if he had even seen him. That particular person was nowhere to be seen within a whole week. It wasn't like he didn't want to see him. He just didn't know why Jaehyun was in his thoughts all the time and why he unconsciously looked for him too. That scared him.

"Eww look at that. How can they do those kind of things in school?" Ten announced and Taeyong turned to where he was looking. He saw Jaehyun who had some girl sitting on his lap. Taeyong didn't know why he kept looking at the two. It was none of his business anyway. The girl turned her face a bit to their direction and Taeyong noticed that she looked somehow familiar but he couldn't be sure because of the distance. Now Jaehyun had his arms around the girls waist and the scene irritated Taeyong.

He couldn't help but think that those same hands had been around his waist too a few days ago and that thought made him feel disgusted. Those hands, that had probably touched more people he could count with his fingers. Why didn't he realize it sooner? Why did he let Jaehyun so close to him?

He, of course, had always known what Jaehyun was like, a selfish playboy who had played him too. Now he had been thrown away like some piece of trash when Jaehyun had grown tired of him. He had been used and suddenly he didn't feel that good anymore.

"Taeyong are you okay? You're pale as a ghost."

"I'm sorry I'm going home." Taeyong breathed out and stood up to leave but his friend rushed after him in worry. When he got out of the room he crouched down on the floor as he suddenly felt dizzy and Ten was fast beside him.


"I- can't- breathe." His breath hitched with every inhale he tried to make and he had barely got it said. He felt like someone invisible was choking him and his chest hurt so much. The pain in his chest was unbearable and he pressed it with his other hand. He knew what these symptoms meant. He had felt the same one time before.

"A-Are you having a panic attack?" Ten was stupid to ask that question in this situation. "What should I do? We should go to the infirmary."

Ten was panicking as well. He had no idea what he should do as he had never seen his friend like this. However, he knew about Taeyong's panic attack like he knew about his phobia. He couldn't just help him up to walk because it meant that he needed to touch him. That was out of the question because he didn't know what had suddenly caused this attack.

"Taeyong?" That was not Ten who said it. He looked behind him and saw the person he had least expected to see. Jaehyun quickly ran to them and crouched in front of Taeyong. "What happened?"

"I don't know. He just suddenly was like this. He said that he can't breathe." Ten wasn't sure if the other even listened him. Jaehyun placed his hands on Taeyong's shoulders suddenly. "Don't-"

"Taeyong, look at me." Ten could only watch the scene unbelieving his eyes as Jaehyun got his friend's attention. He saw as Jaehyun took a hold of Taeyong's shaking hands and spoke him with calm voice. How could be that calm in this situation? Why was he even helping Taeyong? The guy, he hated so much. Unlike Jaehyun, he couldn't do anything.

Taeyong was dizzy and he could barely see anything. He wasn't sure who was the one that had their hands on his shoulders and spoke to him with that calming voice. Ten? Who else? J- no way.

Regular, huh?

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