Chapter 44 feelings

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He felt his heart breaking in million pieces. He had thought he and Taeyong could talk about their relationship after he got off work but this was just not written in his plans. He had thought they could get back together in the best case. At least he had wanted so. But the other...well... didn't seem just as eager for whatever reason.

"N-no- Jaehyun- wait-" Jaehyun turned to walk away but the other then grabbed his hand and stopped him. "I- I didn't meant that- I said wrong- I shouldn't have-"

"It's fine," He snapped angrily. "I understand that you don't want to have anything to do with me anymore unlike me but you could've just said it more nicely. Goodbye, Taeyong."

Jaehyun yanked his hand free, turned around and left.

Taeyong couldn't believe what was happening. He knew that he had messed up again. He had assumed all kinds of things before even talking to Jaehyun. He was losing Jaehyun again.

He looked at Jaehyun's back walking away from him. He couldn't stand it. He blinked the tears back in and ran after him. He ran as if his life was on stake. He crashed on Jaehyun's back and wrapped his trembling hands around him so tightly making sure he couldn't slip away again. Ever again.

"Jaehyun, I- I'm sorry I lied. I love you. I love you so freaking much and it hurts even more if I think about my life without you. Hell, I can't even imagine that! I'm sorry I assumed things when I woke up alone and then I visited your workplace but I saw you talking to some girl so I assumed more things. Yeah, I trust you with my life but I just don't see why you'd choose me over anyone else. I'm just so afraid that you'd leave me if I said something wrong so I never dared to talk to you. I'm sorry that I keep so much things to myself," He talked with broken voice. Jaehyun didn't try to shove him away which was probably a good sign.

Tears had started to flow from Jaehyun's eyes as soon as he had walked away from Taeyong. He had never imagined Taeyong would actually stop him. His arms were wrapped so tightly around his waist but he still couldn't believe it was real. Taeyong was never the one to be brave enough to do anything like that. His heart felt lighter with every word Taeyong said out loud. He cried silently more and lifted his hand to dry his face.

"Jaehyun, please, don't leave me. I'll try to change, I want to, please, I'll do anything. I love you so much," Taeyong leaned his head on his back and felt like crying. Jaehyun wasn't saying anything. Maybe he deserved the silent treatment. Then he heard sniffling sound which didn't come from himself. "Jaehyun?"

He lifted his head and unwrapped his hands from around the other. He took quickly a hold of his hand just in case he would slip away. He didn't. Taeyong pulled him around and he saw that Jaehyun was looking down. He was crying.

"I- I almost thought y-you'd let me leave again," Then Jaehyun broke down and hugged him tightly, hiding his face in the crook of the other's neck. Taeyong couldn't bare it so he started crying too while hugging the other in his arms. He had never before felt so relieved.

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