Chapter 39 relationship?

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"So what have you been up to lately?" His brother asked after a while. They had just finished eating ramyeon and now they were talking and enjoying the chill evening breeze.

"Eh...well, you know, just this and that," He rolled his eyes for his lousy attempt to go around the details.

"Ten, wasn't it? Who is he? Is he bothering you?"

"No, he's just my friend and...he calls me too often," He hoped that he wouldn't need to tell him anything.

"Did something happen that I should be worried about?" Taeyong gave him a fake laugh, then his face was emotionless again and he looked down. It didn't go unnoticed by his brother.



Taeyong's phone rang on the table. They both saw the caller id and Taeyong sighed. He didn't want to answer.

"Well, If you're not gonna answer-" The other reached for the phone but Taeyong grabbed it quickly and answered it. He saw as his brother smiled at him evilly.

"Hi~ Taeyong...what are you doing? How are you feeling? Are you home?"

"No Ten, I'm with my brother so no need to worry...and stop calling me," He sighed and ended the call. He looked at the other again who was giving him a weird face. "What?"

"Can you tell me what happened? I know that you're keeping something from me. Even your friend worries about you," Yeah, Taeyong wanted to tell him something...but he didn't know what the other thought about gay relationships as they never even talked about those kind of things.

"Um...well...I- I kinda had a boyfriend and- and we broke up just a few days ago," He shuffled nervously in his seat and waited the other to say something. He felt like hiding under the table or running away. Mostly, he felt need to wash his hands for some reason.

"Oh...I know that must've been hard. Do want me to beat him up for you?"

"No don't! He didn't do anything was just me- wait- what?! I said boyfriend! Didn't you catch that?!" Taeyong almost fell back from the bench.

"I know, so? In Europe, every other guy is gay."

"What?! Seriously?"

"Of course not. It's just that I'm gay so it's great that you're too," He laughed but Taeyong didn't look so happy. He had just not expected that.

"Oh my god- oh my- why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"I didn't want to traumatise you because you were only eleven when I realised who I was. Then later I could just never bring myself to talk about these things with you. Maybe I was scared that you'd be disgusted with me..." That would've actually been his reaction before he had met Jaehyun. He understood his brother's concern as he had been just as scared to tell him.

"Yeah, I understand...I'll go buy water," He stood up but then the other did so too.

"I'll buy you. Just wait a minute," The other disappeared before Taeyong could open his mouth. He sat down again and waited leaning against the table.

He waited. It was taking him too long. He decided to go after him. He stepped in the small store and looked around. The store was quiet and there was hardly anyone. He heard his brother's loud voice, then he spotted his back.

"Hyungie you said that you'd be quick. I waited for-..." He grabbed the other's arm and pulled him towards him but then his eyes caught something else and his words were cut off. His breath hitched when his eyes met with someone he had not been ready to see. Jaehyun looked as much surprised.

Taeyong knows him? His hand is on Taehyung's arm. Did he already find someone new? Are they on a date? Jaehyun didn't feel so good anymore. First meeting with someone whose photos he stared continually when he was in high school. Then someone, he had least expected to run into, appeared right in front of him.

"Hyungie...let's go," Taeyong pulled him again and averted his gaze from Jaehyun to Taehyung. The two of them looked too close. Jaehyun couldn't help but feel the want to put at least two meters between them.

"Taeyong..." Jaehyun said hoping to get his attention.

"You two know each other?" Taehyung didn't budge even when the other tried to pull him in hurry. "Yongie wait a second. He's my fan I want to talk to him a bit more."

Taeyong grew confused. He glanced at Jaehyun who was looking coldly back at him and shivered. "Fan?"

Oh no. Jaehyun didn't Taeyong to know that. Too embarrassing.

"Hyungie you got fans?! How? I didn't know you were that popular!" He shouted.

"Well, here's one," He pointed at Jaehyun who blushed lightly and looked down. Taeyong noticed the change.

"O-okay... can we go now then?" He didn't want to be around the other any longer. He turned around to leave.

"Wait" Jaehyun didn't even know what to say but the other looked at him again longingly. Just looked at him. He didn't notice that Taehyung was attentively following the two of them from the side. "Did you already forget me?"

He pointed towards Taeyong's brother not knowing what was their relationship.

"Oh- Taeyong, is he the one who you told me about? The one who broke your heart?" Both of the two looked at Taehyung not believing what he had just said.

Broke his heart? What? It wasn't just Jaehyun only suffering. He couldn't understand Taeyong at all. Then what did he really think about him? Jaehyun wanted to know.

"Hyungie, let's just go, please," He grabbed the other's arm again but Jaehyun noticed that his hand was shaking.

"Oh wow...I even ran into my baby brother's ex. Sorry Jaehyun, we're leaving," Taehyung announced and took his brother's hand to take him out of the store.

Baby brother?...They were siblings?! Jaehyun had never even know Taeyong had a brother not to mention it being THE Kim Taehyung. But they had different last names? And they didn't even look a bit similar. Sure, both of them had flawless looks but that just wasn't enough for them to be related.

He put his confusion aside and paid the groceries, then left the store quickly but he didn't expect to run into that scene. Taeyong and his supposed to be brother stood a little farther away on the other side of the street...hugging. Jaehyun felt his heart sinking when he realised why. Taeyong was hiding his face in the other's shoulder and clutching his jacket with trembling hands from the back.

He was crying, wasn't he? He saw as Taehyung kissed his hair and kept talking to him about something Jaehyun couldn't hear. His heart clenched as he kept looking at the two.

 His heart clenched as he kept looking at the two

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