Chapter 15 umbrella

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On a lunch break Ten and Taeyong went to eat together as usual. Ten hadn't said a word to him since the occurring in the morning. Was he really that mad? Why?

Taeyong kicked his friend's leg under the table to get his attention. "Ouch why did you do that?"

"Are you mad?"

"Are you gay?"

"What?!" Taeyong had not expected to hear that straight forward question. He glanced around the room to make sure that no one was paying attention to them. Fortunately, no one was looking.

"Are you or are you not?" Ten repeated the question with a dull expression.

"I'm not!"

"You sure?" Ten raised his eyebrow.

"I don't like him!!" Taeyong was fuming with anger. He really didn't have any feelings for Jaehyun so he concluded that he wasn't gay like the other probably was even if they were sometimes kissing and touching each other. Jaehyun just felt so safe to be with. Maybe that was because he had actually saved him from being molested on that one night.

" haven't gotten over your fear but you let only that guy touch you and you say that you're not gay and you don't like him. Then you must be fuck buddies."

"Hell no!" Taeyong snapped and blushed more.

" haven't-"

"Of course not!"

"What are you discussing about?" Jaehyun disturbed in their conversation and sat on the chair beside the blond. Taeyong turned to him abruptly afraid that he had heard what they had been talking about. The other just smirked and put his hand on the back of the chair Taeyong was sitting. The blond shifted in the other corner of his chair.

"So you're Ten, right?" Jaehyun turned away from the blond. Ten stared back at him.


"Nothing. Just got to know your name," Jaehyun lifted his hand to stroke the blond's back hair and turned to him. The hair was longer from the back than he remembered. "Are you growing a mullet or did your hairdresser just forget to cut it?"

Taeyong brushed his hand off and glared him briefly mumbling him a reply, "I don't need to ask your permission."

"I know, I just wanted to say that it looks cute."

"For god's sake! Can you do the flirting somewhere else than in front of me?" Ten lost his patience and stood up to leave. Taeyong looked at him with apologetic eyes and then he left.

"Wanna hang out tomorrow?" Jaehyun asked leaning closer to the other.

"Why?" Jaehyun placed his hand on the blond's thigh. Taeyong just stared at him with innocent look in his eyes.

"You know what I mean-"

"No," Taeyong stood up to leave but the other pulled him back to sit. "What now?"

"My roommate is visiting his family tomorrow evening, he won't be back until late night," Jaehyun hinted gazing him intensely but the other's frown didn't fade.

"Still no. I don't trust you," Taeyong replied with a motionless face while the other was smirking at him.

"Then what do I have to do to make you trust me?"

"I don't know, maybe, stop being such an ass!" Jaehyun was left wordless after the blond sprinted out of the room. That was not what he had ever expected to hear from him. What did he even do to make him so annoyed?


It wasn't raining when he left home the next morning but suddenly it started pouring in the middle so Taeyong was now running. He hid his head under the hood of his jacket so he wouldn't get too wet. He stopped when he reached the underpass and tried to wipe himself dry as much as he could. He hated it when his clothes would get wet.

What should he do now? He didn't want to go in the rain again to get more wet. Should he just wait? Taeyong looked around and noticed that he wasn't the only one standing there. His eyes widened when their eyes locked.

The person walked to him from the other side of the road. Taeyong couldn't move.

"What are you doing here?" Taeyong asked when she stopped in front of him.

"The same as you. I think we go to same school, am I right?" Ji-Eun's face was in a frown as he waited the other to answer. Taeyong saw that her clothes were a bit wet and she didn't have an umbrella with her either. She noticed how the blond nervously averted his eyes on anywhere else but her.


"You know, I was waiting for you to come to see in the hospital then. You never came. Why?"

"I don't wanna talk about it," Taeyong answered maybe too harshly glancing her briefly and Ji-Eun was a bit taken aback. He had never talked to her like that before. She remember him as a warm and bubbly person who always did his best to make sure no one around him felt uncomfortable. Now he was the one making the situation awkward.

"You've changed," she breathed out and Taeyong finally looked at her properly. Why was she wearing that pained expression? Everything should be perfect in her life now that Taeyong was staying away from her. Staying away would be impossible if the girl willingly tried to start to a conversation with him from time to time and also they went to same school.

"Oh I knew I'd find you here," Taeyong turned to the voice to see Ten walking towards them. "I brought you an umbrella. I thought you might need it."

"Thanks Ten," Taeyong quickly grabbed the spare umbrella his friend was pointing at him. He wanted to get away from the situation as fast as possible.

"Ten?" Before Taeyong managed opening the umbrella his actions were stopped. He had forgotten that Ji-Eun also knew his friend. He turned around to see the two staring at each other in surprise.

"Ji-Eun? What are you doing here?"

"You two still go to same school?" Ji-Eun asked pointing between the two friends. Ten turned his gaze on him with eyes asking for an explanation. Taeyong didn't want to explain anything.

"Of course, we're best friends," Ten blurted out.

"I know, we all go to same school then," a faint smile crept on Ji-Eun's lips. Taeyong opened his umbrella and turned away to leave.

"Taeyong wait!" The said male sighed and turned around again. "Could we meet someday over a coffee or something? I want to talk with you."

Taeyong didn't want to be rude and just say no but he didn't want to talk to her either. At least not about their past. "I don't know..."


"I know what you want to talk about so it's a no." Taeyong ignored the pleading look she was giving him and then finally continued making his way to school. He didn't even bother waiting for his friend to tag along.

//The first part of this chapter was so fun to write

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