Chapter 9: Worries

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Although they were nominated for an award, they didn’t actually win it, what was probably expected. There was no denying that they were less popular than they used to be. But it also didn’t seem to bother them as much. Maybe they were kind of relieved that they didn’t have to go on stage today. When the show was over we all were escorted out. But just before we would leave the building, security told us that it was crazy outside. Apparently there were a lot of fans who were blocking our way out. They told us to stay with each other and with the security. And if we somehow got lost, we needed to go back into the building instantly. I didn’t really get why that was so important. Why couldn’t we just run to the car? But I didn’t ask questions. I figured I was the new one so I just needed to listen and obey. Just before everyone was ready to leave the building, Harry turned himself towards me and his eyes were serious.

‘Hold my hand and don’t let go. Okay?’ He said while grabbing my hand and holding it unusually tight.

‘But what if I-,’ I started but he didn’t even gave me a chance to finish.

‘No. Don’t let go. Just don’t. No discussion here needed.’ Harry interrupted. And I nodded. I figured I just needed to listen here.

But from the moment we stepped outside, panic started rising in my chest. I had never seen so many people in such a small area of space. This was insane. I kind of felt worried for all the fans who were pushed back by the security guys. And it also felt like it didn’t work at all. There were so many people coming in between us and I felt my hand slip out of Harry’s. And I knew from the moment we would part, I would be alone. Because those people from the security needed to get the boys safe. That was their priority. So I knew from the moment my fingers would leave Harry, I needed to run back to that building. And now I also realized why that was the rule. I didn’t even saw the car. I couldn’t see anything expect for the roof of the building sticking out.

And then I didn’t feel Harry anymore. He was gone. And I couldn’t see anyone I knew. I felt like I could cry when I turned myself and headed back to the entrance. I soon realized this wasn’t working with these stupid heels, so I pushed them out and walked further on my bare feet. I pushed myself through the crowd. People were pushing me and I nearly fell down more than three times. I could already feel bruises form on my arms. When I reached the door and I stepped inside, I felt my body gasp for air. There was literally no air in the crowd, and it surprised me I hadn’t seen fans faint because of it. It felt like I couldn’t get any oxygen at all.

‘Melanie, did you lose the boys?’ Someone asked in my ear and it took me a while before I found the strength to respond and nod at him.

‘Are they okay?’ I asked when I somewhat felt alright again.

The man nodded straight away, and I felt relieved after that. ‘We already let them leave by car. It was too crazy to wait. We are going to take you to a back exit. You can take a different car that will lead you back home.’ He explained and for me it was all fine, as long as they weren’t planning on letting me go through something like that again. So I followed them to the back exit and like they told, there was a car. And the moment I jumped in, I let out a relieved sigh. Everything was calm and quiet and I needed that. I took a moment to look at my dress. It was ripped at so many places and I felt bad because of the horrible state it was in. On top of all that I lost my shoes in the crowd so I figured management was not going to be happy with me. I let myself fall down onto the car seats for a couple of minutes and just stared at the ceiling. How did they do this? How did they cope with this kind of craziness? It was obvious I couldn’t cope and I didn’t see me coping with this anytime soon. No wonder Harry’s behavior started to change. Somehow I figured this had something to do with all of this. But I couldn’t really see how. Maybe it was just me. Harry was doing great for the past week. Maybe it was because he was not allowed to go out. But still, even today, he didn’t flip out when the paparazzi said those things. He stayed calm. Like he knew he couldn’t do that. Like he knew people maybe were going to punish him even more after that. And I somehow felt proud of him because of it.

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