Chapter 7: Nightmare

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The next week surprisingly flew by. The boys had a couple of concerts and it was interesting to see them act on stage. I was able to watch them perform each time from the backstage. After each show I needed to publicly leave with Harry. I really started getting used to the paparazzi lately. They never were so mean as the red carpet ones so that made it easier to cope with. Harry and Liam hadn’t talked to each other at all after the fight. And I noticed the other boys starting to get worried. It was really just waiting on who would give in first. Who would apologize first. And after my little diner with Harry, I knew he wasn’t going to apologize that easily. But somehow on stage it was all unnoticeable. Like nothing had happened between the boys. Like they were just friends. But from the moment they came off, they were like mortal enemies. It was really bizarre to see and witness and I had to admit I felt bad for the both of them. Because Harry looked awful, just not good, not coping. He hid in his room when we were at home. Even I wasn’t allowed. After our diner together we didn’t really spoke much. But I figured it wasn’t easy for him to do all this. He wasn’t allowed from management to go out again for a full two weeks straight after his two little accidents last time. The only thing he was allowed to do was going on a date with me. And I figured that was not his favorite time spender. Liam on the same hand was quiet as well. He didn’t bother writing with the boys anymore. He just ate and left to his room. He often drove off and I didn’t really know where he went or what he did in the time that he was gone. To kill the time, being in the house, I bonded with Louis, Niall and Zayn. We watched movies together. We came up with a deal. Someone chose a movie, we all watched it together and the other ones reviewed afterwards, or during the movie itself. It was really funny most of the time. At one point, Louis recommended a  movie, but it was so bad Zayn even had to cover his ears and smash his head into a pillow to just not see or hear the bad acting. Louis was joking, luckily for himself. He took a bad movie on purpose. But we did laugh about it the whole night, retelling and reacting the worst scenes. My bond with Niall grew every day. We even made this kind of ritual where he came to my room just before sleeping. We talked about things in the house, things in our lives and it was so nice talking to him. Tonight he was there again. He knocked on the door and I let him in by calling his name. He peeked his head through the door and when he saw I was already in bed, waiting for him, he walked in and sat himself on the opposite side of the bed. I observed his face and I instantly saw he was worrying about something. Niall was a smiler. He laughed about everything. It was so easy to make him smile or laugh. And it made it all seem ten times more obvious if he wasn’t smiling or happy.

‘What’s wrong?’ I asked, observing his face.

‘Do you think they’ll be okay?’ He asked right away. I instantly knew he was talking about Harry and Liam. And I couldn’t help but wonder the same thing.

‘You know them better than I, Ni.’ I said, looking sympathetically at him. ‘Did it ever take so long for them to make up a fight?’

He shook his head instantly, looking down. ‘Maybe it doesn’t seem like it, but on stage it’s literally killing all of us. It’s so awkward. And we barely see Harry leave his room. I often wonder if he’s even in there. Liam doesn’t talk much, which we are not used of him at all. He’s such a talker and now it just feels like shit.’ He paused for a couple of seconds before he went on. ‘I don’t have a clue how the award show is going to go tomorrow. I’m just afraid that they are going to snap at each other or that people are going to notice something’s not right. It would just be another negative thing to add to the list. I don’t know how long we can cope with that.’ Sometimes I wished that Harry and Liam could see what they were doing to their band members. All they want to do is make music with their best friends, perform together, laugh together, watch movies together. And I wanted that for them too.

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