Chapter 18: My kind

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Melanie POV

‘Hey,’ I said softly to Harry beside me, squeezing his hand. His nervous eyes met mine and I couldn’t help but find it cute. ‘It will be fine…’ I assured him with a small smile. And he nodded shortly. I knew how nervous he was about this. And it felt good to think he took this seriously. Not that I was in a position to complain. No… The past five weeks had been amazing.  I had never imagined being in a relationship with Harry Styles would be this wonderful. He was on tour most of the time. And once in a while I got to join him for a couple of days. Those days were perfect. I loved it to hang out with him and the boys backstage. It was all just like in the mansion. Except it was now just really, all of us together. And that felt awesome. Of course I couldn’t stay. Summer was over for me and I needed to go back to school. So I had to miss him more, especially when he went touring outside of the UK. At first, I was scared, because I thought maybe he would just lose interest after not seeing me for a while. But that didn’t happen.

‘Mel… What’s wrong?’ Harry’s voice sounded questioning through the phone. And I bit my lip. I felt awful all day, but I didn’t dare telling him why. ‘Melanie, come on. Speak up. I am not hanging up on you before I know what’s wrong.’ He said sternly. He was in Spain at the moment. He just finished his show and he took the time to call me.

‘It’s nothing, Haz. Really, I-…’

‘Bullshit…’ He interrupted, not falling for it. ‘I’m waiting, Melanie.’

And I gave myself away by letting out a sigh. ‘I read something today and-‘

‘Okay. No. Stop. Right there.’ Harry said immediately, not even letting me finish it. ‘I thought we agreed you would not read things?’ His voice sounded frustrated, with a hint of anger.

‘I didn’t technically read it.’ I defended myself. ‘I read it on the cover of a magazine, in a store.’ I explained.

‘Oh…’ He said, like he understood what I meant. And suddenly the fear crept into my body. Why did he say ‘Oh’? Did it mean the magazine was right? Did it mean like an ‘Oh, she got me’. My heart started racing and it was suddenly really difficult to breathe. ‘Melanie?’ His voice sounded in my ear, but it seemed so far away. ‘Mel, whatever the magazine said, it is not true.’ He tried to convince me and waited for a couple of seconds. My heart was still racing and I felt the panic all over my body. ‘Melanie, breathe… I love you. I’m not going anywhere.’ And those words made my heart stop. Wait… What? Did he really just said that?

‘You… what?’ I breathed out.

‘Finally… I thought you were choking yourself or something.’ Harry spoke, sounding relieved.

‘But… You said…’ I was just not able to finish my sentences anymore. I was too confused. Too out of this world.

‘That I love you? Yes, I said that…’ He confirmed. ‘And to even make it more spectacular… I meant it as well.’ He added and I heard his smile through his voice. I missed his smile so much. ‘I love you…’ He said again softly and full of meaning. ‘And I’m not going anywhere.’

‘Okay…’ I breathed out relieved. ‘I need you.’

He chuckled with my words before he answered. ‘No, you don’t. But it doesn’t matter. I’ll stay with you anyway.’


And how sure he was during that phone call from two weeks ago. How insecure he was, standing next to me, while I was pressing the doorbell of my house, ready for Harry to meet my parents. It was the second day of their two week break. The day before we stayed in the mansion for the first time in a long time, what felt really good. And today Harry agreed to visit my parents and my sister.

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