Chapter 11

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Kurt spent the rest of the day trying to push the video into the back of his mind. But the vivid image of fake blood wouldn't go away.

As soon as the final bell went, Kurt texted Blaine, telling him to meet him at the Lima Bean at 4. The hospital said he could stay at safe places if he was with people, like his house or the Lima Bean. Kurt thought it would be nicer to tell him in a safer environment than a hospital.It was time to tell him. Not only about the video.

How him and Blaine CANNOT be friends if he went to Mckinley.

Because Kurt needed to stay popular.

Kurt tried to suppress his anxiety by tapping his fingers on the wheel of car. It did not help him whatsoever, but he tried to convince himself it did. Notice the word 'tried'.

Then, he soon realised, he was at the Lima Bean. Kurt was sweating bullets at this point. He felt so guilty. As he walked, he heard his name being called from the corner. Blaine. Right.

He quickly plastered on a fake smile and briskly walked over to their spot.(yes they had their own spot. That just made it ten times harder for Kurt to tell Blaine).

"Hey Kurtie! What's up?" Goddamn that nickname.

"Err nothing, just wanted tot talk to you about something." Kurt lied.

"Kurt, you're acting weird. Are you moving schools? Is someone hurt? Is someone dead? Are you hurt? Are you gonna die? Cause if so Kurt i'm really not gonna take th-"

"BLAINE. CALM THE HELL DOWN. NO ONE IS DEAD OR HURT, OKAY?" Kurt shouted over Blaine's rambling. Blaine instantly stopped right after that.

For around 5 minutes after Kurt's burst, there had been an awkward silence surrounding the table of two. Neither of them knew what to say.

After a while, Blaine gathered up some courage to speak to Kurt again.

"So, you said you wanted to talk to me about something?"

"Oh, um yeah. Blaine, promise me you won't say anything until I've finished?"

"Uh, sure. Just go on and say it."

"Your video. It's out. I was at Cheerios practise and i saw them watching it on the bleachers. I stopped them fron finishing it but i feel so bad. Oh, Blaine come here."

Blaine was physically shaking at this point. He was even paying attention when Kurt was talking about where he saw it. He just knew it was out. His fresh start: gone.

Blaine quickly hugged Kurt goodbye before pacing out of the coffee shop immediately. He couldn't even process what was happening. It was like his body was on auto-pilot.

Before he knew it, he was at his brother Cooper's new apartment. After the whole drunk dad incident, Cooper moved out but didn't tell anyone where he lived. But Blaine soon found him, and negotiated by saying he would keep it a secret if he gave him a key to the place.

He quickly unlocked the door, as usual Cooper was out, and raced up to the spare bedroom. As soon as his head hit the mattress, he started bawling.

The nightmares. The torture. The tormenting. The bullying. The embarassment.

They were all coming back.

Blaine soon realised that the most he could do was text Kurt apologizing about him running out like that.


I'm so sorry Kurt. I shouldn't have run out like that. I was so worried about my past repeating itself and i was overtaken with fear yet again. I do truly understand if you want to ignore or not talk to me. Xo

Soon Blaine stopped crying, but only because Cooper was finally home. Also, his eyes were red and puffy and his throat felt like it was about to close up.

He decided to not tell Cooper why he really was at his apartment, instead he just decided to lie and say he got home from school late and that his place was closer than home.

He didn't want to go back to that insane asylum that people call therapy. Never again. So he figured he was back to suffering in silence. Again.

He checked his phone every 3 minutes since he text Kurt. But then at around 10pm, at small text came through.

To: Blaine
From: Kurt

Ok. I understand. But don't think I was gonna ignore you. X

Blaine partially smirked at the last part, but it then turned to sadness.

He could not get Kurt involved in the mess of a life which was Blaine Devon Anderson.


Hey, Thanks for reading the eleventh chapter of "Don't Fall For Him"!

This story will be updated weekly, and will contain approximately twenty five to thirty chapters. I appreciate every read, comment, vote and follow so please help me out, it only takes a second! Also, this story is primarily based on Klaine, with some other glee characters just having side plots, so please don't be angry if you expect more of your favourite characters, as i have warned you. Finally, Enjoy!

- Em x

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