Chapter 20

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It was the day. Tina's day for catastrophe.

Blaine Anderson would soon be hers. Her plan for revenge was really quite simple.

• Tell the entire school Blaine is gay
• Tell the entire school Klaine is real
• Wait until Kurt breaks up with Blaine once his reputation is ruined.

And, Tina's favourite step,
• Be Blaine's (or in Sebastian's case, Kurt's shoulder to cry on.

However, this would only be if she was always there for Blaine.

Lucky for her, she was a very good actress, and she could easily act as though she was back to her normal self and nothing had ever happened between her and Blaine.

Tina had already made a deal with Jacob Ben Israel: He puts her gossip on the front page of the school news, and Tina will ask out Rachel Berry for him. She already knew that Rachel would say no, that's why she agreed. But she would have to make sure that no one knew it was her that published the article.

However, Tina was too excited. She had to help spread the word.

It was only at lunch when the newspaper was starting to be sold. She was throwing them to every single person she saw.

But didn't realise that she had accidently given one to Miss Santana Lopez.

As she looked at what had just been thrown her way, she clenched her jaw.  It took her a maximum of 3 seconds for her to grab Tina by the ponytail and drag her to the choir room.

"Eres una perra celosa egocéntrica! ¡Explica esto ahora mismo!"

(You self-centered jealous bitch! Explain this right now!)

"Okay, Okay, before you go all Lima heights on my ass, let me explain. I'm just doing him a favour. At least this way he doesn't have to tell the entire school in person!"

"Did you actually just go there? Oh you did, okay. This," Santana said snarkily, hitting the paper, "Is what we call outing.

Now, obviously, you would wait until you were ready to come and tell everyone. But since you are not a functioning member of society, your thoughts must have been a bit jumbled up and you thought this was a good idea.

Now, you're gonna run along and tell JBI to take this out of the newspaper, before I jumble up them thoughts in your head a little bit more with just a touch of my fist."

Tina stumbled backwards, and raced out of the room, most likely off to tell JBI to take it out the paper. Santana was already texting Kurt about the problem.

Kurt's POV

Well, Santana had texted him a bit too late. Whilst Santana was giving Tina a piece of her mind, Kurt had been slowly walking with Blaine, careful not to be seen, to the disabled  bathroom as he cried.

They were sat there for the rest of the day, Kurt rubbing soothing circles on Blaine's back whilst he occasionally sniffled or cried (which he consistently tried covering up as a small cough caught in his throat). But the only thought passing through Kurt's head was;


Tina had always been nice to Kurt, but it seemed like as soon as Blaine came into the picture, her mood towards him had changed entirely. Sure, he knew that she wanted Blaine. But that didn't mean she had to be an absolute dick to Kurt.

However, Kurt's thoughts were quickly intruded with the noise of Blaine sobbing even harder than before.

"Babe, are you okay?" Kurt asked, wary due to Blaine's current state.

"I just hate it. ALL of it. I thought this school could be a fresh start, where I'm not treated like some freak, an outcast even. Obviously it's someones mission to make sure that that doesn't happen." Blaine managed to get out with a sorrowful tone.

It was hard to form sentences considering everything Kurt had just heard. But he did have an idea.

Kurt quickly called an afterschool emergency glee club meeting (minus Tina and Mr Schue obviously). He was pretty sure he had already gained around 3 detentions for missing classes that day, but at this point, none of that stuff mattered.

It had gotten to the point where Blaine had cried so much he was nearly falling asleep. Kurt was sure he was going to drift off at any moment, but before he could, he heard Blaine mutter something quietly.

"Sing. Please."

Oh yeah I tell you somethin'
I think you'll understand
When I say that somethin'
I want to hold your hand
I want to hold your hand
I want to hold your hand

Oh please say to me
You'll let me be your man
And please say to me
You'll let me hold your hand
Now, let me hold your hand
I want to hold your hand

And when I touch you
I feel happy inside
It's such a feelin' that my love
I can't hide
I can't hide
I can't hide

Yeah, you got that somethin'
I think you'll understand
When I say that somethin'
I want to hold your hand
I want to hold your hand
I want to hold your hand

And when I touch you
I feel happy inside
It's such a feelin' that my love
I can't hide
I can't hide
I can't hide

Yeah, you got that somethin'
I think you'll understand
When I feel that somethin'
I want to hold your hand
I want to hold your hand
I want to hold your hand
I want to hold your hand

Blaine was now sound asleep, but Kurt stayed. His head was on Kurt's lap, tear stains down his face and onto Kurt's shoulder.

Around 1 minute before the final bell of the day went, he woke up Blaine and told hin to go straight to the choir room. Kurt opened his locker to make it seem as though nothing suspicious had ever happened.

As soon as the last bell went, Kurt found Santana and Quinn before heading back to the choir room. Every person in the hall was staring, but Santana was throwing looks which could kill in return. 

They walked in determindly but Kurt lost it in approximately 2 minutes.

"Why did the little bitch do that?"


Hey, Thanks for reading the twentieth chapter of "Don't Fall For Him"!

This story will be updated weekly, and will contain approximately twenty five to thirty chapters. I appreciate every read, comment, vote and follow so please help me out, it only takes a second! Also, this story is primarily based on Klaine, with some other glee characters just having side plots, so please don't be angry if you expect more of your favourite characters, as i have warned you. Finally, Enjoy!

- Em x

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