Chapter 23

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Kurt felt like his world was falling apart.

The slow beeping of the monitor was the only thing keeping him awake. He hadn't slept in 2 days.

Blaine had had enough of the torture which was homophobic high school. The police found him in a hotel room on the far side of Westerville, an empty pack of Paracetemol by his side.

This was the second time during their relationship that Kurt had been waiting for Blaine to get out of hospital.

But this time, he wasn't even sure if he'd make it out.

A maid had found him what they believe was around 45 minutes after he took the drugs. Just a couple more minutes and he could have been gone forever.

Kurt felt even guiltier than last time he was here. Because he knows for a fact that he could have prevented this one. If he hadn't told the glee club about their relationship and Tina hadn't -


Kurt felt domething arise in him. He needed to avenge Blaine. He needed to get Tina kicked out of glee club.

He finally left Blaine's bedside, but made sure that Nurse Carole would call him if he had recovered by rhe time he got back.

Firstly, he went home and got changed, because he was bound to smell like the hospital, 9or just terrible in general after spending two days there.

Next, he called his dad, making sure he told the school that he would be coming in this afternoon. He said he had been sick for 2 days as an excuse to go see Blaine. Only Santana and Quinn knew, but they promised not to tell anyone.

Finally, he facebook messaged everyone, telling them that he'd be at glee club after school. That way, he knew Mr Schue would be there, as he only ever turned up to after school rehearsals.

It took Kurt about 30 mins to get to Mckinley. It was only a 20 minute drive, but he spent 10 minutes making sure the nurses would call him if Blaine woke up.

The blue eyed boy saw many surprised expressions as he strutted down the hall, but he barely took any notice to them. He was determined.

As he walked into the usual glee room, he noticed the club was divided like the red sea.

A very, very uneven red sea.

Nearly all of the members of the club were huddled on the right side, whilst 'Fang Chang' sat with her legs crossed, trying to appear as innocent as she could.

Kurt has strided over to her in seconds, his hand already reaching towards her hair. He saw the football players and Santana sit up slightly in their seats, ready to hold Kurt back if required to do so.

"You. You disgusting, vile, atrocious, obnoxiously ugly excuse of a human being. You almost caused my boyfriend's life. All because you couldn't keep your creepy, catastrophic crush to yourself. Now, I suggest you quit this damn club before I get Principal Figgins or even court involved." Kurt dropped her hair and wiped his hands on his jeans in disgust.

"No. Never. No one will ever believe you. And it's his fault for being a fag anyway."

Everyone then proceeded to whisper phrases like 'don't let her get to you' or 'ignore him' until Mr Schue appeared.

As he concluded his introduction, he said a sentence that set everyone off.

"So, any announcements?"

The entire room burst out into a shouting match, people making sure Tina's mouth was covered so she couldn't have her say.

"Guys, Guys, GUYS!"

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