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2 Young boys run from a stray dog. Both are in ripped clothes and have bruises all over their bodies. They run down a alleyway and jump on to a dumpster. The dog barks, louder and louder until finding their location. But before the dog could grab them, they jump high onto a chain fence. Helping each other over escaping the fierce dog. Once they are finally safe, they take a deep breath.

"Jeez..I didn't think the dog would fight back." a the taller one said while leaning against a brick wall.

"Well we did steal its bread, and it needs it to survive, TaeTae" the smaller one said sitting down next to Tae.

"Yeah, just like us" Tae said while ripping the piece bread into half, giving the other some. "You know..It isn't so bad Yoongi. I mean at least we have each other. Others have nothing, no food, no one to trust, nothing. We only have each other and that's all"

"You make me depressed stop talking" Yoongi said taking the last bite of bread before standing up. "C'mon it will get dark soon" Tae stood up and followed Yoongi out of the alley.

"So where to now? The police found the last hideout" Yoongi hummed and kept walking before turning around to face Tae.

"There is the bridge you know. We could climb up from the bottom and stay where the support beams are. No one is crazy enough to follow us up there" he said turning back around and crossing the street.

"Yeah but its dangerous and really cr-"

"Shush boi, aren't we already crazy? I mean people call us dangerous crazy scoundrels. Why not just help them prove their point." Yoongi said while walking over to the grass slope leading to the water and bridge.

"Okay" Tae said following Yoongi. When the got to the bottom of the bridge they climbed up the side beams connected to the rock. With a little struggle and a few neat death experiences, they reached the small in-between platform.

The cars rumbled above them, vibrating the floor, giving them sort of a tough massage. "At least if it rains and wont touch us, TaeTae" Yoongi said while resting his head on a pole.

"What if we fall? And die?"

"If you die then.... you wont fall until you give up which leads you to die okay? Just sleep!" Yoongi grudged and flipped over to his side, facing the water. Tae the crawled over to Yoongi and back hugged him, soon they both fell asleep.

~~ (Next Day)

A man sat in his black expensive car, next to a huge building. Talking on a phone.

"Did you find them yet? My husband is worried."

"Yes, shall we grab them now or wait, boss?"

"Where are they? Send a picture."


"They just turned the corner sir"

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"They just turned the corner sir"

"Okay, one moment...Grab them" The man turned off his phone and sat back in his seat, relaxing. "Soon, our babies will be home" A smile spread across his face.


Yoongi and Tae walked down the alley looking for loose change. Both holding hands. They turned the corner and kept on walking. But then Yoongi whispered something.

"There are two men in suits behind us, TaeTae. Don't freak out okay. Just follow my lead" Yoongi let go of Tae's hand and then quickened his pace. He turned another corner with Tae on his left. Then they ran, as fast as possible. The men in suits following close behind. "Hurry up Tae!" Yoongi yelled.

But before Tae could run any farther, a man grabbed him from behind using chloroform. Tae dropped limp in the older man's arms. Yoongi looked back and watched but kept running with a tear in his eye, knowing Tae would want him to keep going. He ran and ran, but in the end he was caught too. And both were put into a white van, unconscious.

~~ (Time Skip, Tae POV)

When I finally opened my eyes, I was laying on something very soft. But when I tried to get up, I couldn't. I was tied down with straps. White bars all around me. I looked around some more and saw Yoongi. He was also tied up and inside a cage like thing. But he wasn't awake. He was still asleep.

I struggled and tried to get free. But eventually a lady came out of nowhere and stuck a needle into my arm. I screamed but they acted like they couldn't hear me. And soon I felt sick, and dizzy. And everything went black.

~~ (Time Skip, Namjoon POV)

Our cute adorable twins are finally home. After their doctor check, we got to bring them home. Jin was so happy and couldn't believe they were finally here. He even had slight tears of happiness show.

I was of course happy too. I have always wanted a little. Everyone else in this world has one and now I have two! My beautiful baby Taehyung and my cute Kitty Yoongi.

I walked up stairs and went into their nursery quietly. Even though they wont be able to wake up for another 7 hours, I still like the feeling of having to be careful. I walk over to their cribs. And stare, such a beautiful sight. Two cute little ones in wolf onesies. And their nursery was amazing too. Each drawing on the wall, hand painted by a friend and each piece of furniture custom made.

Our little boys will be so happy and spoiled

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Our little boys will be so happy and spoiled. And everyone will love them. Especially since their daddies are famous and loved.

Suddenly the door opened and Jin came inside. "Namjoon, its time for bed. Lets get lots of rest, tomorrow will be tough" I smiled and followed Jin out.


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