No, it hasn't

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How could Yoongi do this to me? He makes me feel sad. He never talks to me and gets all the attention from Daddy and Papa. How could he leave me? In such a desperate state?

Whenever I'm sad, he is sad too. I will cry but he cries harder. Why must he be this way? Is it to protect me? I dont need his protection! Why cant he just learn that Daddy and Papa love us both!

I hate Yoongi now. He is never there, never here and never even in sight! But he wants my attention? I wont ever talk to him again! Especially after he threw a block at me, its rude!


Namjoon takes our hands and I give Yoongi the death stare. I can see tears in his eyes and they make me mad. He brings us a different place, one with 2 chairs. Timeout?

"Now, because you both have been bad and even mean to each other, you get 5 minutes in timeout" Namjoon said making yoongi sit down while he finally started bawling.

"No!" I yell. "I havent been bad! He threw it at me!"

"But you ignored him"

"He ignores me! He hasnt even said anything to me! I hate him!" I yelled stomping my feet in protest. Yoongi cried harder. Namjoon tried to stop his crying. "Look! Youre giving him all the attention again!" I cried.

"Taehyung, you need to stop throwing a tantrum and sit down on the chair" He told me.

"Why?!? I didnt do anything!!"

"This is last your last warning!" He said harshly.  I began to cry, just like Yoongi. How could Daddy be so mean to me? I thought I was his baby boy!?! Was Yoongi only his? Why cant he share! 

I sat down and watched as Daddy comforted Yoongi, why cant he do that for me? I'm crying too. Eventually Daddy got up and said that he'll be back in 5 minutes. Such a long time! And I have to watch Yoongi get all the attention!

Yoongi looked at me, cold sad eyes. It was scary and I didnt like it. So I hit him in the face. But he didnt cry.

"Taehyung" He whispered. I sat annoyed. "Did they finally get you... like are you a baby now?" He asked.

"No! Im a big boy!" I somewhat yelled and he shushed me. He gave me a sad look and sighed. What was he thinking? He was also a boy too. My twin! The same age as me, 3 years old. Thats not a baby age!

Daddy once told me that Yoongi might take longer to become a big boy, and that was why he was being mean and acting crazy. And he would try to get me to do bad things like breaking Daddy's rules. At first I didnt understand? How could he not be a big boy? Well I now know that he isnt. So I have to be nice until he is, but I cant! He is just so annoying!! Why cant he just be a big boy like me?!?

"So V? You fell for their trap? You said you wouldnt and that you would be here for me, remember?"

"V?" I repeated under my breathe. It sounded so familiar and what did he mean by their trap. Why would Daddy and Papa trap us? "V?" I said again. Then it came to me. What was I doing? How could I forget?!? Their weird trap was working!

"No, thanks to you it hasnt Suga" Yoongi and I gave us new nicknames. Ones that would stop us from becoming brainwashed babies. And it thankfully worked. I watched as all the cringey memories played in my head.

"V, it almost got you though. You were acting like a toddler"

"So were you, you cried alot!"

"I was struggling to fight it off, unlike you I didnt just give in"

"Youre such a jerk" I leaned in for a hug and he accepted it

"You are too"

"Awwwwww" Voices from behind us said.

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